I'm attaching a table that summarises a few things about most
of the options we are likely to encounter (there are lots of
them, most of which I do not know the purpose of).  As you said,
the conditional nature of some options does not let us know all
of them, so it probably isn't a complete list.  Two important
options that were missed:  metaserver (oops, didnt do -m) and
useRSA (cos I don't have it).

I think it would probably make it easier for us to declare and 
define all the client options (as variables) in one place:  
defaults.[ch] or data.[ch]?  I think most of the int and boolean 
defaults are in data.[ch] already.

Although I think getdefault and it's ilk would have to be modified 
to work with this, one way is to modify it's behaviour to almost
never return NULL but to lookup in some sort of list whether that
option it is being asked to look up is known to it, and to return
that instead.  No functional difference, and I predict nothing will
break but it is something of an improvement to have all the options 
consolidated in one place.  It would even be possible to dump a 
netrekrc based on what's in those header files.  Theoretically, it
should also be easier for us to write the config program.

However, there are many options still not easily found, other than
by searching through the code (if it's there at all), or in the 
stock netrekrc distributed with the client.

There's a perl script that prints the table, and some modifications
to the client to track calls to getdefault and its variants (not
commited to the repository).


N: Appears in the stock netrekrc distributed with the client
G: Appears in egrep 'intDefault|booleanDefault|getdefault'
D: Variable default is defined in data.c
T: I = int, B = boolean, G = string
| N | G | D | T |      Key                       | Value (preferred for bool or int) | Variable                    | data.c variable value
      *       G  arrowCursorDef                     NULL
  *   *   *   I  autoquit                           60                                 quittime                      60
      *       G  b1keymap                           NULL
      *       G  b2keymap                           NULL
      *       G  b3keymap                           NULL
      *   *   B  backgroundPix                      1                                  1
      *   *   I  baseLocalPort                      0                                  baseLocalPort                 0
  *   *       G  bigfont                            NULL
      *       G  boldfont                           NULL
  *   *       G  buttonmap                          NULL
              G  buttonmap-as                       NULL
              G  buttonmap-att                      NULL
              G  buttonmap-bb                       NULL
              G  buttonmap-ca                       NULL
              G  buttonmap-dd                       NULL
              G  buttonmap-default                  NULL
              G  buttonmap-ga                       NULL
              G  buttonmap-sb                       NULL
              G  buttonmap-sc                       NULL
      *   *   B  censorMessages                     0                                  censorMessages                0
  *   *       G  ckeymap                            NULL
  *           G  ckeymap-as                         NULL
              G  ckeymap-att                        NULL
  *           G  ckeymap-bb                         NULL
  *           G  ckeymap-ca                         NULL
  *           G  ckeymap-dd                         NULL
              G  ckeymap-default                    NULL
              G  ckeymap-ga                         NULL
  *           G  ckeymap-sb                         NULL
  *           G  ckeymap-sc                         NULL
      *       G  cloakChars                         NULL
      *   *   B  cloakPix                           1                                  1
  *           G  color.black                        NULL

N: Appears in the stock netrekrc distributed with the client
G: Appears in egrep 'intDefault|booleanDefault|getdefault'
D: Variable default is defined in data.c
T: I = int, B = boolean, G = string
| N | G | D | T |      Key                       | Value (preferred for bool or int) | Variable                    | data.c variable value
  *           G  color.cyan                         NULL
  *           G  color.Fed                          NULL
  *           G  color.green                        NULL
  *           G  color.Ind                          NULL
  *           G  color.Kli                          NULL
  *           G  color.light grey                   NULL
  *           G  color.Ori                          NULL
  *           G  color.red                          NULL
  *           G  color.Rom                          NULL
  *           G  color.white                        NULL
  *           G  color.yellow                       NULL
      *   *   B  colorgalactic                      1                                  1
      *   *   B  continuetractor                    1                                  continuetractor               1
  *   *   *   B  continuousMouse                    0                                  motion_mouse                  0
  *   *   *   B  DefLite                            0                                  DefLite                       0
      *       G  documentation                      NULL
              G  DocWin.geometry                    NULL
              G  DocWin.parent                      NULL
      *   *   I  enemyPhasers                       1                                  enemyPhasers                  1
      *   *   B  explosionPix                       1                                  1
  *   *   *   B  extraAlertBorder                   1                                  extraBorder                   1
              G  FED.geometry                       NULL
              B  FED.mapped                         0
              G  FED.parent                         NULL
      *   *   B  fedPix                             1                                  1
      *       G  font                               NULL
  *   *   *   B  forcemono                          0                                  forceMono
  *           G  help.geometry                      NULL
              B  help.mapped                        0
  *           G  help.parent                        NULL
      *   *   B  highlightFriendlyPhasers           0                                  highlightFriendlyPhasers      0
  *   *   *   B  ignoreCaps                         1                                  ignoreCaps                    1
  *   *   *   B  ignoreSignals                      0                                  ignore_signals                0

N: Appears in the stock netrekrc distributed with the client
G: Appears in egrep 'intDefault|booleanDefault|getdefault'
D: Variable default is defined in data.c
T: I = int, B = boolean, G = string
| N | G | D | T |      Key                       | Value (preferred for bool or int) | Variable                    | data.c variable value
      *   *   B  indPix                             1                                  1
              G  info.geometry                      NULL
              B  info.mapped                        0
              G  info.parent                        NULL
      *       G  infoCursorDef                      NULL
      *       G  italicfont                         NULL
  *   *   *   I  keepInfo                           15                                 keepInfo                      15
  *   *   *   B  keeppeace                          0                                  keeppeace                     0
  *   *       G  keymap                             NULL
              G  keymap-as                          NULL
              G  keymap-att                         NULL
              G  keymap-bb                          NULL
              G  keymap-ca                          NULL
              G  keymap-dd                          NULL
              G  keymap-default                     NULL
              G  keymap-ga                          NULL
              G  keymap-sb                          NULL
              G  keymap-sc                          NULL
              G  KLI.geometry                       NULL
              B  KLI.mapped                         0
              G  KLI.parent                         NULL
      *   *   B  kliPix                             1                                  1
              G  lagMeter.geometry                  NULL
              B  lagMeter.mapped                    0
              G  lagMeter.parent                    NULL
              G  local.geometry                     NULL
              B  local.mapped                       0
              G  local.parent                       NULL
      *       G  localCursorDef                     NULL
  *   *       G  logfile                            NULL
  *   *   *   B  logging                            0                                  logmess                       0
      *       G  macroKey                           NULL
              G  macrow.geometry                    NULL

N: Appears in the stock netrekrc distributed with the client
G: Appears in egrep 'intDefault|booleanDefault|getdefault'
D: Variable default is defined in data.c
T: I = int, B = boolean, G = string
| N | G | D | T |      Key                       | Value (preferred for bool or int) | Variable                    | data.c variable value
              G  macrow.parent                      NULL
              G  map.geometry                       NULL
              B  map.mapped                         0
              G  map.parent                         NULL
      *       G  mapCursorDef                       NULL
      *   *   B  mapPix                             1                                  1
  *           G  message.geometry                   NULL
  *   *   *   B  message.mapped                     1                                  1
  *           G  message.parent                     NULL
      *   *   I  messageHoldThresh                  0                                  messHoldThresh                0
      *   *   I  messageHUD                         0                                  messageHUD                    0
              G  MetaServer List.geometry           NULL
              B  MetaServer List.mapped             0
              G  MetaServer List.parent             NULL
      *   *   I  motionThresh                       16                                 user_motion_thresh            16
      *   *   B  mouseAsShift                       0                                  mouse_as_shift                0
  *   *       G  name                               NULL
  *           G  netrek.geometry                    NULL
              G  netrek.parent                      NULL
              G  netrek_icon.geometry               NULL
              G  netrek_icon.parent                 NULL
              G  netstat.geometry                   NULL
              B  netstat.mapped                     0
              G  netstat.parent                     NULL
      *   *   I  netstatfreq                        5                                  netstatfreq                   5
  *   *   *   B  netstats                           0                                  netstat                       0
              G  network.geometry                   NULL
              B  network.mapped                     0
              G  network.parent                     NULL
  *   *   *   I  newDashboard                       0                                  newDashboard                  0
  *   *   *   B  newDistress                        0                                  UseNewDistress                0
      *   *   B  newPlist                           0                                  FALSE
              G  option.geometry                    NULL

N: Appears in the stock netrekrc distributed with the client
G: Appears in egrep 'intDefault|booleanDefault|getdefault'
D: Variable default is defined in data.c
T: I = int, B = boolean, G = string
| N | G | D | T |      Key                       | Value (preferred for bool or int) | Variable                    | data.c variable value
              B  option.mapped                      0
              G  option.parent                      NULL
              G  ORI.geometry                       NULL
              B  ORI.mapped                         0
              G  ORI.parent                         NULL
      *   *   B  oriPix                             1                                  1
      *   *   B  ownerhalo                          0                                  0
  *   *   *   B  partitionPlist                     0                                  partitionPlist
      *       G  password                           NULL
      *   *   I  PhaserMsg                          2                                  showPhaser                    2
      *   *   I  phaserShrink                       0                                  phaserShrink                  0
      *   *   B  PhaserStats                        0                                  phaserShowStats               0
      *   *   B  phaserWindow                       0                                  phaserWindow                  0
              G  pingStats.geometry                 NULL
              B  pingStats.mapped                   0
              G  pingStats.parent                   NULL
      *   *   I  pixFlags                           4096                               pixFlags                      0
  *   *       G  pixmapDir                          NULL
  *           G  planet.geometry                    NULL
              B  planet.mapped                      0
  *           G  planet.parent                      NULL
      *   *   I  planetCycleTime                    10                                 beep_lite_cycle_time_planet   10
  *           G  player.geometry                    NULL
  *           B  player.mapped                      1
  *           G  player.parent                      NULL
      *   *   I  playerCycleTime                    10                                 beep_lite_cycle_time_player   10
  *   *       G  playerlist                         NULL
  *           I  playerListStyle                    -1
  *   *   *   I  port                               2592                               DEFAULT_PORT
              I  port.localhost                     -1
      *   *   B  portSwap                           0                                  portSwap                      0
  *           G  quit.geometry                      NULL
              B  quit.mapped                        0

N: Appears in the stock netrekrc distributed with the client
G: Appears in egrep 'intDefault|booleanDefault|getdefault'
D: Variable default is defined in data.c
T: I = int, B = boolean, G = string
| N | G | D | T |      Key                       | Value (preferred for bool or int) | Variable                    | data.c variable value
  *           G  quit.parent                        NULL
              G  rank.geometry                      NULL
              B  rank.mapped                        0
              G  rank.parent                        NULL
              G  rcfile-as                          NULL
              G  rcfile-att                         NULL
              G  rcfile-bb                          NULL
              G  rcfile-ca                          NULL
              G  rcfile-dd                          NULL
              G  rcfile-default                     NULL
              G  rcfile-ga                          NULL
              G  rcfile-sb                          NULL
              G  rcfile-sc                          NULL
      *   *   I  redrawDelay                        0                                  redrawDelay                   0
      *   *   B  rejectMacro                        0                                  rejectMacro                   0
      *   *   B  reportKills                        1                                  reportKills                   1
  *           G  review.geometry                    NULL
  *           B  review.mapped                      1
  *           G  review.parent                      NULL
  *           G  review_all.geometry                NULL
  *           B  review_all.mapped                  0
  *           G  review_all.parent                  NULL
  *           G  review_kill.geometry               NULL
  *           B  review_kill.mapped                 0
  *           G  review_kill.parent                 NULL
              G  review_phaser.geometry             NULL
              B  review_phaser.mapped               0
              G  review_phaser.parent               NULL
  *           G  review_team.geometry               NULL
  *           B  review_team.mapped                 0
  *           G  review_team.parent                 NULL
  *           G  review_your.geometry               NULL
  *           B  review_your.mapped                 0

N: Appears in the stock netrekrc distributed with the client
G: Appears in egrep 'intDefault|booleanDefault|getdefault'
D: Variable default is defined in data.c
T: I = int, B = boolean, G = string
| N | G | D | T |      Key                       | Value (preferred for bool or int) | Variable                    | data.c variable value
  *           G  review_your.parent                 NULL
              G  ROM.geometry                       NULL
              B  ROM.mapped                         0
              G  ROM.parent                         NULL
      *   *   B  romPix                             1                                  1
  *   *   *   B  ROMVLVS                            0                                  ROMVLVS                       0
              G  scanner.geometry                   NULL
              B  scanner.mapped                     0
              G  scanner.parent                     NULL
      *   *   B  ScrollBar                          1                                  scrollbar
      *   *   I  ScrollBarWidth                     5                                  scroll_thumb_width
      *   *   I  ScrollSaveLines                    100                                scroll_lines
              G  server.localhost                   NULL
      *   *   B  shellTools                         1                                  shelltools                    1
  *   *   *   B  shiftedMouse                       0                                  extended_mouse                0
      *   *   B  shipPix                            1                                  1
  *   *   *   I  showgalactic                       2                                  showgalactic                  2
  *   *   *   B  showIND                            0                                  showIND                       0
  *   *   *   I  showlocal                          2                                  showlocal                     2
  *   *   *   I  showLock                           3                                  showLock                      3
  *   *   *   B  showMotd                           1                                  1
      *   *   B  showplanetnames                    1                                  1
  *   *   *   B  showPlanetOwner                    0                                  showPlanetOwner               0
      *   *   B  showstars                          1                                  1
  *   *   *   B  showstats                          0                                  showStats                     0
  *   *   *   B  showTractorPressor                 1                                  showTractorPressor            1
      *   *   B  shrinkPhaserOnMiss                 0                                  shrinkPhaserOnMiss            0
  *   *   *   B  sortMyTeamFirst                    0                                  sortMyTeamFirst
  *   *   *   B  sortPlayers                        0                                  sortPlayers
  *   *   *   B  sound                              0                                  sound_init                    0
              G  sound.geometry                     NULL
              G  sound.parent                       NULL
  *           G  stats.geometry                     NULL

N: Appears in the stock netrekrc distributed with the client
G: Appears in egrep 'intDefault|booleanDefault|getdefault'
D: Variable default is defined in data.c
T: I = int, B = boolean, G = string
| N | G | D | T |      Key                       | Value (preferred for bool or int) | Variable                    | data.c variable value
  *           G  stats.parent                       NULL
      *       G  textCursorDef                      NULL
      *   *   I  theirPhaserShrink                  0                                  theirPhaserShrink             0
              G  tools.geometry                     NULL
              G  tools.parent                       NULL
  *   *   *   B  tryShort                           1                                  tryShort                      1
  *   *   *   B  tryUdp                             1                                  tryUdp                        1
              G  tstat.geometry                     NULL
              B  tstat.mapped                       0
              G  tstat.parent                       NULL
      *       G  tts_color                          NULL
  *   *       G  tts_font                           NULL
      *   *   I  tts_max_len                        40                                 tts_max_len                   40
      *   *   I  tts_pos                            234                                tts_pos                       TWINSIDE / 2 - 16
      *   *   I  tts_time                           25                                 tts_time                      25
              G  UDP.geometry                       NULL
              B  UDP.mapped                         0
              G  UDP.parent                         NULL
  *   *   *   I  udpClientReceive                   1                                  udpClientRecv                 1
  *   *   *   I  udpClientSend                      1                                  udpClientSend                 1
  *   *   *   I  udpDebug                           0                                  udpDebug                      0
  *   *   *   B  udpSequenceCheck                   1                                  udpSequenceChk                1
      *   *   I  updatespersec                      5                                  updatespeed                   5
  *   *   *   B  UseLite                            0                                  UseLite                       0
  *   *   *   B  useTNGBitmaps                      0                                  use_tng_fed_bitmaps           0
  *   *   *   B  varyShields                        1                                  VShieldBitmaps                1
  *           G  war.geometry                       NULL
              B  war.mapped                         0
              G  war.parent                         NULL
  *           G  warn.geometry                      NULL
  *           B  warn.mapped                        0
  *           G  warn.parent                        NULL
  *   *   *   B  warnHull                           0                                  vary_hull                     0

N: Appears in the stock netrekrc distributed with the client
G: Appears in egrep 'intDefault|booleanDefault|getdefault'
D: Variable default is defined in data.c
T: I = int, B = boolean, G = string
| N | G | D | T |      Key                       | Value (preferred for bool or int) | Variable                    | data.c variable value
  *   *   *   B  warnShields                        0                                  warnShields                   0
      *   *   B  weaponPix                          1                                  1
              G  xtrekrc_help.geometry              NULL
              G  xtrekrc_help.parent                NULL
              G  xtrekrcWin.geometry                NULL
              G  xtrekrcWin.parent                  NULL

Options in netrekrc.example not caught by calls to getdefault:
server  useRSA  server.bronco  port.bronco  useRSA.bronco.ece.cmu.edu  server.hockey  port.hockey  server.picklet  server.picklet-home  port.picklet-home  server.picklet-away  port.picklet-away  metaCache  metaserver  continuetractors  babes  WMXYHintMode  sounddir  wwwlink  WaitMotd.mapped  netrek.mapped  reportkills  udp.geometry  udp.mapped  fed.parent  fed.geometry  rom.parent  rom.geometry  kli.parent  kli.geometry  ori.parent  ori.geometry  dist.^A.pop  dist.bomb  dist.^B.save_planet  dist.space_control  dist.^C.pickup  dist.^D.bombing  dist.^E.escorting  dist.^F.ogging  mac.^G.%u  mac.^H.%u  dist.^I.ogg  dist.^J.help  dist.^K.taking  dist.^L.carrying  macro.b.T  macro.s.T  macro.g.T  mac.F.T  mac.f  mac.C.A  mac.C.A  mac.C.A  mac.D.A  mac.D.A  mac.D.A  mac.D.A  mac.D.A  mac.7.A  mac.7.A  mac.7.A  mac.7.A  mac.R.A  mac.e.T  mac.d.T  mac.a.T  mac.C.%i  mac.N.%i  mac.S.%i  mac.T.%i  mac.W.%t  mac.I.%u  mac.O.%u  key.C  key.B.0  mac.A.C  singleMacro  mac.^p  mac.^h  mac.^l.!  lite.pickup  lite.base_ogg  lite.taking  lite.help  msg.kill  msg.planet  msg.bomb  msg.destroy  msg.take  msg.ghostbust  

>From: James Cameron <quozl at us.netrek.org>
>Reply-To: vanilla-list at us.netrek.org
>To: vanilla-list at us.netrek.org
>Subject: Re: [Vanilla List] any growth on this?
>Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 23:24:04 +1100
>Yes, that's right.  This should change.  Suggest how to change it?
>Idea: special compilation mode for COW that causes getdefault() and the
>datatype variants to track what is given to them to fetch.  Use the
>compiled result to generate a list of parameter names and types that are
>placed in a header that is used by defaults.c.  Change getdefault() to
>issue a warning when a new parameter is seen that is not in the list.
>Audit the code periodically using regular expression searching to
>verify that all the defaults are known.
>Since the client is in maintenance mode, and no new major features are
>being written, the cost of keeping the known parameters in the list
>should be low.
>My quick guess at the size of the task:
>1) files that contain getdefault or variants,
>% egrep -l "intDefault|booleanDefault|getdefault" *.c|fmt
>audio.c cowmain.c defaults.c defwin.c docwin.c findslot.c gnu_win32.c
>input.c main.c newwin.c parsemeta.c playback.c playerlist.c sound.c
>winsprite.c x11sprite.c x11window.c
>2) total number of files,
>% egrep -l "intDefault|booleanDefault|getdefault" *.c|wc --lines
>      17
>3) number of calls or parameters to investigate,
>% egrep "intDefault|booleanDefault|getdefault" *.c|wc --lines
>     182
>% cat *.c|egrep "intDefault|booleanDefault|getdefault"|sort|uniq|wc 
>     165
>% cat *.c|egrep "intDefault|booleanDefault|getdefault"|cut -f2 
-d\"|sort|uniq|more|wc --lines
>     154
>What might not be caught by an semi-automatic analysis is calls to
>getdefault() that are conditional.  One could argue that such calls
>are not for important parameters!