I'll put this on ftp.netrek.org as soon as Kurt approves the new client

On Tue, Feb 06, 2001 at 10:34:46PM -0500, Scott Thompson wrote:
> Hi,
> I have compiled the latest COW3 for NetBSD/i386 ELF (release 1.5 or later).
> It is available here:
> ftp://ftp.openface.ca/pub/netrek/
> I'll be submitting the key to clientkeys subsequent to this e-mail.
> Let me know if you have any questions (or if I've done anything wrong!).
> I'll be happy to maintain this binary.
> Cheers,
> Scott
> -- 
> Openface Inc.                                              Scott Thompson
> Montreal, Canada                                          sco at openface.ca
> (514) 281-8585                                         Network Operations
Dave Ahn | ahn at vec.wfubmc.edu | Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center

When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced.  Try to live your life
so that when you die, you will rejoice and the world will cry.  -1/2 jj^2