On Sun, 28 Jan 2001, Josue Cabral wrote:

> Saludos Señor Ted Turner:.soy Josue Cabral desde la Republica
> Dominicana¡ he visto reportajes en T V de usted y su trabajo y le
> tengo una gran admiracion pues a tenido un alto desarrollo personal y
> empresarial, de lo que tambien muchas personas en muchos lugares han
> obtenido buen desarrollo.

Hehehe, I love these guys -- they never will figure it out.


| Jeffrey Watts                     |
| watts at jayhawks.net         o-----------------------------------------o
| Systems Programmer         | "We should not be building surveillance |
| Network Systems Management |  technology into [Internet] standards.  |
| Sprint Communications      |  Law enforcement was not supposed to be |
o----------------------------|  easy.  Where it is easy, it's called a |
                             |  police state."                         |
                             |  -- Jeff Schiller, IETF                 |