Ainsi parlait Dave Ahn : > On Fri, Oct 26, 2001 at 11:49:23AM +0200, Guillaume Rousse wrote: > > Before adding vanilla package to official mandrake contributions, i must > > be sure of the license used. I found no mention of it neither on web site > > nor in archive, except for gum (GPL). To be precise, i found the > > 'unknown' mention in existing spec file, but that won't comply with > > mandrake policy :-) I have the same question for cow, if anybody here > > knows. > > The netrek licensing issue has never been fully resolved because people > have different interpretations for it. In my opinion, the license is > completely free for any use and, therefore, is even more generous than > GPL or BSD. However, other people feel that the "without fee" clause > restricts it to non-commercial use. The only thing you can do is take > the copyright statements and clear it with the Mandrake people and get > their interpretation on it. Note that you should send them all copyright > statements. I was just looking for a value among the available one (see for the rpm license tag. From what i heard so far, it seems BSD is the most appropriate one. Anyway, the real license files will always be shipped with the package. -- Guillaume Rousse <rousse at> GPG key