Date:	Tuesday February 5, 2002 @ 16:52
Author:	xyzzy

Update of /home/netrek/cvsroot/Vanilla/ntserv
In directory

Modified Files:
	daemonII.c interface.c phaser.c redraw.c rsa_key.c wander2.c 
Log Message:
Fix stupid bug from last change.  ?: has lower precedence than *, will
I never learn?


Index: Vanilla/ntserv/daemonII.c
diff -u Vanilla/ntserv/daemonII.c:1.37 Vanilla/ntserv/daemonII.c:1.38
--- Vanilla/ntserv/daemonII.c:1.37	Mon Jun  4 17:06:28 2001
+++ Vanilla/ntserv/daemonII.c	Tue Feb  5 16:52:58 2002
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@
 #define PLFIGHTFUSE     5
 #define SIGHTFUSE       5
 #define BEAMFUSE        8       /* scott 8/25/90 -- was 10 */
-#define PMOVEFUSE       300      /* planet movement fuse 07/26/95 JRP */
+#define PMOVEFUSE       50      /* planet movement fuse 07/26/95 JRP */
 #define QUEUEFUSE       600     /* cleanup every 60 seconds */
 #ifdef INL_POP
 #define PLANETFUSE      400/MAXPLANETS  /* INL 3.9 POP */
@@ -1519,8 +1519,8 @@
     if (j == owner)
-    if (j->p_team == owner->p_team)
-      continue;
+/*    if (j->p_team == owner->p_team)
+      continue; */
     if (! ((t->t_war & j->p_team) || (t->t_team & j->p_war)))
@@ -3107,6 +3107,8 @@
                         l->pl_owner = j->p_team;
                         l->pl_info = j->p_team;
+			pnewhome(l);
 #ifdef LTD_STATS
                         /* LTD is valid only for tourn mode */
@@ -4225,6 +4227,7 @@
   for (i = 0; i< 40; i++) {
         planets[i].pl_armies = top_armies;
+  preset();
   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){
     /* one core AGRI */
     planets[core_planets[i][random() % 4]].pl_flags |= PLAGRI;
Index: Vanilla/ntserv/interface.c
diff -u Vanilla/ntserv/interface.c:1.10 Vanilla/ntserv/interface.c:1.11
--- Vanilla/ntserv/interface.c:1.10	Thu May 10 05:37:11 2001
+++ Vanilla/ntserv/interface.c	Tue Feb  5 16:52:58 2002
@@ -430,33 +430,41 @@
 void do_refit(int type)
-    int i=0;
+    int i=0, fastrefit = 1;
     struct ship_cap_spacket ShipFoo;
     if (type<0 || type>=ATT) return;
+    if (shipsallowed[type]==0) {
+        new_warning(57,"That ship hasn't been designed yet.");
+	return;
+    }
+    if(type == STARBASE || me->p_ship.s_type == STARBASE) fastrefit = 0;
+    if(!fastrefit) {
     if (me->p_flags & PFORBIT) {
 	if (!(planets[me->p_planet].pl_flags & PLHOME)) {
-            new_warning(50,"You must orbit your HOME planet to apply for command reassignment!");
+	    new_warning(50,"You must orbit your HOME planet to apply for command reassignment!");
 	} else {
 	    if (!(planets[me->p_planet].pl_flags & me->p_team)) {
-                new_warning(51,"You must orbit your home planet to apply for command reassignment!");
+		new_warning(51,"You must orbit your home planet to apply for command reassignment!");
 	} /* if (PLHOME) */
     } else if (me->p_flags & PFDOCK) {
-	if (type == STARBASE
-	) {
-            new_warning(52,"Can only refit to starbase on your home planet.");
+	if (type == STARBASE) {
+	    new_warning(52,"Can only refit to starbase on your home planet.");
 	if (players[me->p_docked].p_team != me->p_team) {
-            new_warning(53,"You must dock YOUR starbase to apply for command reassignment!");
+	    new_warning(53,"You must dock YOUR starbase to apply for command reassignment!");
     } else {
-        new_warning(54,"Must orbit home planet or dock your starbase to apply for command reassignment!");
+	new_warning(54,"Must orbit home planet or dock your starbase to apply for command reassignment!");
@@ -467,59 +475,50 @@
+    }  /* end !fastrefit checks */
     if ((me->p_armies > 0)) {
         new_warning(56,"You must beam your armies down before moving to your new ship");
-    if (shipsallowed[type]==0) {
-        new_warning(57,"That ship hasn't been designed yet.");
-	return;
-    }
     if (type == STARBASE) {
 	if (me->p_stats.st_rank < sbrank) {
-            }
-            else {
-	    new_warning(UNDEF,"You need a rank of %s or higher to command a starbase!", ranks[sbrank].name);
+            } else {
+		new_warning(UNDEF,"You need a rank of %s or higher to command a starbase!", ranks[sbrank].name);
-    if (type == STARBASE && chaos) {
+    if (type == STARBASE) {
 	int num_bases = 0;
+	if(!chaos) max_chaos_bases = 1;
 	for (i=0; i<MAXPLAYER; i++) 
      	    if ((me->p_no != i) && 
 		(players[i].p_status == PALIVE) && 
-		(players[i].p_team == me->p_team))
-		if (players[i].p_ship.s_type == STARBASE) {
-		  num_bases++;
-		}
+		(players[i].p_team == me->p_team) &&
+		(players[i].p_ship.s_type == STARBASE)) num_bases++;
 	if (num_bases >= max_chaos_bases) {
-	  new_warning(UNDEF,"Your side already has %d starbase%s",max_chaos_bases,(max_chaos_bases>1) ? "s!":"!");
-	  return;
+	    if(max_chaos_bases==0) {
+		new_warning(UNDEF,"Your side isn't allowed to have starbases");
+	    } else if(max_chaos_bases==1) {
+		new_warning(58,"Your side already has a starbase!");
+	    } else {
+		new_warning(UNDEF,"Your side already has %d starbase%s",max_chaos_bases,(max_chaos_bases>1) ? "s!":"!");
+	    }
+	    return;
-    else if (type == STARBASE && !chaos) {
-	for (i=0; i<MAXPLAYER; i++) 
-	    if ((me->p_no != i) && 
-		(players[i].p_status == PALIVE) && 
-		(players[i].p_team == me->p_team))
-		if (players[i].p_ship.s_type == STARBASE) {
-                    new_warning(58,"Your side already has a starbase!");
-		    return;
-		}
-    }
     if (type == STARBASE && !chaos && !topgun) {
 	if (realNumShips(me->p_team) < 4) {
-            }
-            else
-	    new_warning(UNDEF,"Your team is not capable of defending such an expensive ship");
+            } else
+		new_warning(UNDEF,"Your team is not capable of defending such an expensive ship");
@@ -534,9 +533,12 @@
+    /* They have finally passed the screening process for potential
+       starship captains.  Give them their new ship! */
     if ((me->p_ship.s_type == STARBASE)/* && (type != STARBASE)*/) {
 	/* Reset kills to 0.0 */
-	me->p_kills=0;
+	me->p_kills = 0;
 	/* bump all docked ships */
 	for (i=0; i<NUMPORTS; i++) 
 	   if (me->p_port[i] != VACANT) {
@@ -547,10 +549,46 @@
-    getship(&(me->p_ship), type);
-    /* Notify client of new ship stats, if necessary */
+    if (type != STARBASE && me->p_kills < plkills) {
+	me->p_ship.s_plasmacost = -1;
+    }
+    if (fastrefit) {
+	struct ship *newship = &shipvals[type],
+	            *oldship = &me->p_ship;
+	me->p_shield *= (float)newship->s_maxshield/oldship->s_maxshield;
+	me->p_damage *= (float)newship->s_maxdamage/oldship->s_maxdamage;
+	me->p_fuel *= (float)newship->s_maxfuel/oldship->s_maxfuel;
+	me->p_wtemp *= (float)newship->s_maxwpntemp/oldship->s_maxwpntemp;
+	me->p_etemp *= (float)newship->s_maxegntemp/oldship->s_maxegntemp;
+	me->p_flags &= ~PFREFIT;
+	me->p_flags |= PFREFITTING;
+	me->p_ship.s_type = type;
+	rdelay = me->p_updates + 1;
+	getship(&(me->p_ship), type);
+    } else {
+	getship(&(me->p_ship), type);
+	me->p_shield = me->p_ship.s_maxshield;
+	me->p_damage = 0;
+	me->p_fuel = me->p_ship.s_maxfuel;
+	me->p_wtemp = 0;
+	me->p_wtime = 0;
+	me->p_etemp = 0;
+	me->p_etime = 0;
+	me->p_ship.s_type = type;
+	if (type == STARBASE) {
+	    me->p_docked = 0;
+	    for (i=0; i<4; i++) me->p_port[i] = VACANT;
+	    me->p_flags |= PFDOCKOK;
+	}
+	me->p_flags &= ~(PFREFIT|PFWEP|PFENG);
+	me->p_flags |= PFREFITTING;
+	rdelay = me->p_updates + 50;
+    }
 #ifndef ROBOT
+    /* Notify client of new ship stats, if necessary */
     if ((F_ship_cap)&&(!sent_ship[type])) {
 	sent_ship[type] = 1;
 	ShipFoo.type = SP_SHIP_CAP;
@@ -575,26 +613,6 @@
 	sendClientPacket((CVOID) &ShipFoo);
-    if (type != STARBASE && me->p_kills < plkills) {
-	me->p_ship.s_plasmacost = -1;
-    }
-    me->p_shield = me->p_ship.s_maxshield;
-    me->p_damage = 0;
-    me->p_fuel = me->p_ship.s_maxfuel;
-    me->p_wtemp = 0;
-    me->p_wtime = 0;
-    me->p_etemp = 0;
-    me->p_etime = 0;
-    me->p_ship.s_type = type;
-    if (type == STARBASE) {
-	me->p_docked = 0;
-	for (i=0; i<4; i++) me->p_port[i] = VACANT;
-	me->p_flags |= PFDOCKOK;
-    }
-    me->p_flags &= ~(PFREFIT|PFWEP|PFENG);
-    me->p_flags |= PFREFITTING;
-    rdelay = me->p_updates + 50;
     new_warning(62,"You are being transported to your new vessel .... ");
Index: Vanilla/ntserv/phaser.c
diff -u Vanilla/ntserv/phaser.c:1.2 Vanilla/ntserv/phaser.c:1.3
--- Vanilla/ntserv/phaser.c:1.2	Fri Apr 30 15:18:45 1999
+++ Vanilla/ntserv/phaser.c	Tue Feb  5 16:52:58 2002
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
-  /* pstatus == PHHIT2 */ {
+  /* pstatus == PHHIT2 */
 #ifdef LTD_STATS
@@ -272,58 +272,52 @@
-   if (pingpong_plasma) {
-	mine->ph_damage = me->p_ship.s_phaserdamage *
-                          (1.0-((float) range/(float) myphrange));
-     if ((target_plasma->t_war & me->p_team) 
-			|| (me->p_hostile & target_plasma->t_team)) {
-	int rand_plasmadir;
-	int rand_plasmaturns;
-	mine->ph_x = target_plasma->t_x;
-	mine->ph_y = target_plasma->t_y;
-	mine->ph_status = PHHIT2;
-	target_plasma->t_damage+=mine->ph_damage/4;
-	target_plasma->t_gspeed+=mine->ph_damage/100;
-	srandom(getpid() * time((time_t *) 0));
-	rand_plasmadir = random() % 9;
-	rand_plasmaturns = random() % 9;
-	if (rand_plasmadir < 8)
-	    rand_plasmadir = 128;
-	else rand_plasmadir = 80;
-	if (rand_plasmaturns < 7) target_plasma->t_turns++;
-	target_plasma->t_dir = (target_plasma->t_dir+rand_plasmadir)%256;
-	players[target_plasma->t_owner].p_nplasmatorp--;
-	target_plasma->t_owner=me->p_no;
-	me->p_nplasmatorp++;
-	target_plasma->t_team=me->p_team;
-	target_plasma->t_war=me->p_hostile;
-	target_plasma->t_fuse+=mine->ph_damage * .25 + 5;
-	new_warning(UNDEF, "Ping-Pong!");
-	}
-     else {
-	mine->ph_x = target_plasma->t_x;
-	mine->ph_y = target_plasma->t_y;
-	mine->ph_status = PHHIT2;
-	target_plasma->t_damage+=mine->ph_damage;
-	target_plasma->t_gspeed+=mine->ph_damage/100;
-	target_plasma->t_turns++;
-	target_plasma->t_dir = me->p_dir;
-	players[target_plasma->t_owner].p_nplasmatorp--;
-	target_plasma->t_owner=me->p_no;
-	me->p_nplasmatorp++;
-	target_plasma->t_team=me->p_team;
-	target_plasma->t_war=me->p_hostile;
-	target_plasma->t_fuse+=mine->ph_damage * .25 + 5;
-	new_warning(UNDEF, "You deflected the plasma!"); }
-   }
-   if (!pingpong_plasma) {
-     mine->ph_x = target_plasma->t_x;
-     mine->ph_y = target_plasma->t_y;
-     target_plasma->t_status = TDET;
-     target_plasma->t_whodet = me->p_no;
-     new_warning(38, "You destroyed the plasma torpedo!");
-   }
+  if (pingpong_plasma) {
+    mine->ph_damage = me->p_ship.s_phaserdamage *
+                      (1.0-((float) range/(float) myphrange));
+    mine->ph_x = target_plasma->t_x;
+    mine->ph_y = target_plasma->t_y;
+    if ( (target_plasma->t_war & me->p_team) || 
+         (me->p_hostile & target_plasma->t_team)) {
+      /* Unfriendly plasmas */
+      fprintf(stderr, "phasered unfriendly plasma!\n");
+      /* Plasma does a quick 180 */
+      target_plasma->t_dir=(target_plasma->t_dir+128)%256;
+      /* Give plasma more fuse, so the fun does't stop */
+      target_plasma->t_fuse+=mine->ph_damage * .25 + 5;
+//      target_plasma->t_damage+=mine->ph_damage/4;
+//      target_plasma->t_gspeed+=mine->ph_damage/100;
+      new_warning(UNDEF, "Ping-Pong!");
+    } else {
+      /* Friendly plasma */
+      fprintf(stderr, "phasered friendly plasma!\n");
+      /* Plasma points direction ship phasering it is pointed */
+      target_plasma->t_dir = me->p_dir;
+      target_plasma->t_fuse+=mine->ph_damage * .25 + 5;
+      target_plasma->t_damage+=mine->ph_damage;
+      target_plasma->t_gspeed+=mine->ph_damage/100;
+      target_plasma->t_turns++;
+      new_warning(UNDEF, "You deflected the plasma!");
+    }
+    /* Switch owners & teams */
+    players[target_plasma->t_owner].p_nplasmatorp--;
+    target_plasma->t_owner=me->p_no; me->p_nplasmatorp++;
+    target_plasma->t_team=me->p_team;
+    target_plasma->t_war=me->p_war;
+  } else {
+    mine->ph_x = target_plasma->t_x;
+    mine->ph_y = target_plasma->t_y;
+    target_plasma->t_status = TDET;
+    target_plasma->t_whodet = me->p_no;
+    new_warning(38, "You destroyed the plasma torpedo!");
Index: Vanilla/ntserv/redraw.c
diff -u Vanilla/ntserv/redraw.c:1.11 Vanilla/ntserv/redraw.c:1.12
--- Vanilla/ntserv/redraw.c:1.11	Tue Feb  5 06:06:40 2002
+++ Vanilla/ntserv/redraw.c	Tue Feb  5 16:52:58 2002
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
     pl = me;	/* Not observer, just use my kills */
-    troop_capacity = pl->p_kills * (myship->s_type == ASSAULT)?3:2;
+    troop_capacity = pl->p_kills * (myship->s_type == ASSAULT?3:2);
     if (myship->s_type == STARBASE || troop_capacity > myship->s_maxarmies)
     	troop_capacity = myship->s_maxarmies;
Index: Vanilla/ntserv/rsa_key.c
diff -u Vanilla/ntserv/rsa_key.c:1.1 Vanilla/ntserv/rsa_key.c:1.2
--- Vanilla/ntserv/rsa_key.c:1.1	Wed Nov 11 20:44:53 1998
+++ Vanilla/ntserv/rsa_key.c	Tue Feb  5 16:52:58 2002
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-#ifndef lint
 #ifdef RSA
 /* rsa_key.c
@@ -140,4 +139,3 @@
     return 0;
 #endif	/* RSA */
-#endif  /* lint */
Index: Vanilla/ntserv/wander2.c
diff -u Vanilla/ntserv/wander2.c:1.3 Vanilla/ntserv/wander2.c:1.4
--- Vanilla/ntserv/wander2.c:1.3	Tue Aug 15 02:57:58 2000
+++ Vanilla/ntserv/wander2.c	Tue Feb  5 16:52:58 2002
@@ -4,33 +4,34 @@
 #include "struct.h"
 #include "data.h"  /* Includes global variable extern defs */
-#define COS(x) ((x) >= 0.0 ? Cosine[(int)(x)] : Cosine[(int)(-(x))])
-#define SIN(x) ((x) >= 0.0 ? Sine[(int)(x)] : -Sine[(int)(-(x))])
+static struct {
+    int x,y;
+} pl_dest[MAXPLANETS];
-static int pl_home[4];
-static int pl_core[4][10];
-static int pl_dist[4][10];
-static const double increment = 0.016;
-static const double incrementrecip = 62.5;
-static float *Cosine, *Sine;
+#define PMOVESPEED	2000.0
-/* call only once */
-void pinit(void)
+void preset(void)
-    int i, j;
-    int pre;
+    int i;
+    for(i=0;i<MAXPLANETS;i++)  {
+	pl_dest[i].x = planets[i].pl_x;
+	pl_dest[i].y = planets[i].pl_y;
+    }
-    void pmove();
+    return;
-    pre = 3.5/increment;
+/* call only once */
+void pinit(void)
+    int i;
-    Cosine = (float*) calloc(sizeof(float), pre);
-    Sine = (float*) calloc(sizeof(float), pre);
-    for (i = 0; i < pre; i++) {
-	Cosine[i] = cos((double)i*increment);
-	Sine[i] = sin((double)i*increment);
+    for(i=0;i<MAXPLANETS;i++)  {
+	pl_dest[i].x = planets[i].pl_x;
+	pl_dest[i].y = planets[i].pl_y;
+    /*
     pl_home[0] = 0;
     pl_core[0][0] = 5;
     pl_core[0][1] = 7;
@@ -51,53 +52,77 @@
     pl_core[3][1] = 37;
     pl_core[3][2] = 38;
     pl_core[3][3] = 39;
-    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-	for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
-	    pl_dist[i][j] = hypot(
-		planets[pl_core[i][j]].pl_x - planets[pl_home[i]].pl_x,
-		planets[pl_core[i][j]].pl_y - planets[pl_home[i]].pl_y);
+    */
+/* find distance of closest planet to x,y */
+static float closestplanet(int x, int y)
+    int i;
+    float d, bestd;
+    for(i=0, bestd=HUGE_VAL;i<MAXPLANETS;i++)  {
+	d = hypot(planets[i].pl_x - x, planets[i].pl_y - y);
+	if(d<bestd) bestd=d; 
+    }
+    for(i=0;i<MAXPLANETS;i++)  {
+	d = hypot(pl_dest[i].x - x, pl_dest[i].y - y);
+	if(d<bestd) bestd=d;
+    }
+    return bestd;
+void pnewhome(struct planet *pl)
+    int t, b, l, r;
+    switch(pl->pl_owner)  {
+	case FED: t = GWIDTH/2; b = GWIDTH; l = 0; r = GWIDTH/2;      break;
+	case ROM: t = 0; b = GWIDTH/2;      l = 0; r = GWIDTH/2;      break;
+	case KLI: t = 0; b = GWIDTH/2;      l = GWIDTH/2; r = GWIDTH; break;
+	case ORI: t = GWIDTH/2; b = GWIDTH; l = GWIDTH/2; r = GWIDTH; break;
+	default: return;
+    }
+    if(pl->pl_x < l || pl->pl_x > r || pl->pl_y < t || pl->pl_y > b)  {
+	/* planet out of quadrant, needs a new home! */
+	int i, x, y, bestx, besty, bestd = 0, d;
+	for(i=0;i<10;i++)  {		/* Try 10 times to find a good spot */
+	    x = (random()%(GWIDTH/2)) + l; y = (random()%(GWIDTH/2)) + t;
+	    d = closestplanet(x, y);
+	    if(d > bestd) { bestx=x;besty=y;bestd=d; }
+	pl_dest[pl->pl_no].x = bestx;
+	pl_dest[pl->pl_no].y = besty;
+    } else {
+	/* Keep the planet at this spot if it was moving */
+	pl_dest[pl->pl_no].x = pl->pl_x;
+	pl_dest[pl->pl_no].y = pl->pl_y;
+    return;
 void pmove(void)
-    int i, j;
-    double dir;
-    static int planeti=0, planetj=0;
-    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-	for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { 
-    i = planeti;
-    j = planetj;
-    planetj = (planetj + 1) % 4;
-    if (planetj == 0)
-	planeti = (planeti + 1) % 4;
-	    dir = atan2((double) (planets[pl_core[i][j]].pl_y - planets[pl_home[i]].pl_y),
-			(double) (planets[pl_core[i][j]].pl_x - planets[pl_home[i]].pl_x));
-	    if (dir > M_PI) dir = dir - 2.0*M_PI;
-	    if (dir >= 0.0)
-		dir = (dir*incrementrecip+1.5);
-	    else
-		dir = (dir*incrementrecip+0.5);
-	    planets[pl_core[i][j]].pl_x =
-		planets[pl_home[i]].pl_x +
-		    (int) (pl_dist[i][j] * COS(dir));
-	    planets[pl_core[i][j]].pl_y =
-		planets[pl_home[i]].pl_y +
-		    (int) (pl_dist[i][j] * SIN(dir));
-	    dir = atan2((double) (planets[pl_core[i][j]].pl_y
-				  - planets[pl_home[i]].pl_y),
-			(double) (planets[pl_core[i][j]].pl_x
-				  - planets[pl_home[i]].pl_x));
-	    planets[pl_core[i][j]].pl_flags |= PLREDRAW;
-	}
+    int i;
+    int dx,dy;
+    float d;
+    for(i=0;i<MAXPLANETS;i++) {
+	if(planets[i].pl_x != pl_dest[i].x || planets[i].pl_y != pl_dest[i].y)  {
+	    dx = pl_dest[i].x - planets[i].pl_x;
+	    dy = pl_dest[i].y - planets[i].pl_y;
+	    d = hypot(dx, dy);
+	    if( d > PMOVESPEED ) {
+		dx = dx * PMOVESPEED / d; dy = dy * PMOVESPEED / d;
+	    }
+	    planets[i].pl_x += dx;
+	    planets[i].pl_y += dy;
+	    planets[i].pl_flags |= PLREDRAW;
+	}