Date:	Friday October 25, 2002 @ 2:07
Author:	cameron

Update of /home/netrek/cvsroot/Vanilla
In directory

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Log Message:
edits by Zach the AI


Index: Vanilla/README.developers
diff -u Vanilla/README.developers:1.3 Vanilla/README.developers:1.4
--- Vanilla/README.developers:1.3	Thu Oct 10 01:36:05 2002
+++ Vanilla/README.developers	Fri Oct 25 02:07:20 2002
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$Id: README.developers,v 1.3 2002/10/10 06:36:05 cameron Exp $
+$Id: README.developers,v 1.4 2002/10/25 07:07:20 cameron Exp $
 README for developers
@@ -27,20 +27,11 @@
 	Source comments are for the next person trying to understand
 	the code.
-Source Editing Hints
-	# hints on using GNU Emacs
-	bind "meta-x compile" to a key
-	use "control-x `" to move to next error in compilation results window
-	use "control-x v v" to commit one file if required
-	use "control-x 4 a" while positioned in changed source to fix ChangeLog
-	use "control-x v =" to produce a diff on that file vs CVS
-	use "etags *.c *.h" to build a tag list of variable names
-	use "meta-." to find a definition of a variable or function
 New Developer Familiarisation Documentation
 by Jeffrey Nowakowski, 27th March 2000
 with edits by James Cameron, 10th October 2002
+with edits by Zachary Uram, 25th October 2002
 Server Processes
@@ -48,27 +39,26 @@
        (aka newstartd) Listens for incoming clients that want to
        connect to the server.  Reads the .ports file which tells it
-       what programs to run when a client connects.  Normally, forks
-       an ntserv process for each client, but handles other things
+       what programs to run when a client connects.  Normally, it forks
+       an ntserv process for each client, but it also handles other things
        such as the player list for the metaserver.
-	Communicates with the client.  Will start daemon if shared
-        memory doesn't exist.  Each player has their own ntserv
-        process.
+	Communicates with the client.  It will start as a daemon process 
+        if shared memory doesn't exist, or if there are no free shared memory segments..  Each player has their own associated ntserv process.
-	Maintains the game state.  Will start robots like hockey if
-        .sysdef option is set.  Sends data to metaserver if the
-        .metaservers file is configured.
+	This process maintains the game state.  It can start robots such as hockey if
+        .sysdef option is set.  It sends data to the metaserver if the
+        .metaservers file is configured properly.
 Shared Memory
     Contains the game state.  This is updated by both ntserv and the
     daemon.  It isn't touched by newstartd, all queueing is handled by
-    ntserv.  Use 'ipcs' command to see it on the operating system.
+    ntserv.  Use 'ipcs' command to see if the shared memory segment is present in the operating system.