--- "Carlos Y. Villalpando" <unbelver at brain.jpl.nasa.gov> 
> Sorry, have had health problems as well as school and
> work.  Anybody
> know a good orthopedic for back surgery?  Herniated disk,
> L4/L5.

Ouch! I've had aggravating chronic back pain for the past
2-3 years, but have been unable to get it looked at
properly so far. What are the symptoms of a herniated disk?
Are there any non-surgical solutions? The UPMC (University
of Pittsburgh Medical Center) Sports Medicine facility here
in Pittsburgh has some of the best orthopedic surgeons in
the US.

> I seem to have misplaced my starter documentation I was
> working on.
> I'll keep looking for it.

Ok thanks. Hope you get better.


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