Is BitKeeper (bk) a client for Gnu Arch?
I read about another program that is gaining ground on CVS.
Forget the name!


--- Bob Tanner <basic at> wrote:

> In a previous post I mentioned the "future of cvs" as a
> tool of development in 
> the vanilla/netrek project.
> I have really become disenchanted with cvs.  4 reasons
> why this has happened.
> 1. My last contract introduced me to BitKeeper (bk) and
> all the hype on lkml 
> about how wonderful this tool can be, is all true. Using
> bk shows all the 
> problems with cvs.
> 2. Another FOSS project I contribute had our main cvs
> server compromised. 
> Given that this project runs as root(!) it's ideal
> candidate for being Trojan 
> horsed. We spent months(!) integrity checking the source
> files. Wasted time! 
> This is because cvs doesn't have any sort of repository
> integrity check.
> 3. While doing the software inventory, it was discovered
> that cvs commits we 
> applied to the repository as a legitimate writer
> (developer with write 
> access), only to find out that this person, had -not-
> committed the code. The 
> commits where by an imposter, who was using this
> developers "identity". This 
> is because cvs doesn't have any sort of commit
> integrity/identity check.
> 4. cvs central development model, is adequate, but it is
> elitist. Potential 
> developers must ask (beg?) to have write access to the
> repository.  My 
> example here is on another FOSS project I started writing
> unit tests. I have 
> hundreds of tests now and still no commit access. So, I
> end up making diffs, 
> putting them into SF's patch manager (time consuming!)
> and wait for upstream 
> developers to merge those patches back into cvs (time
> consuming!) only to 
> have certain diffs rejected because upstream code changed
> between the time I 
> made the diff and the time the diffs where applied to
> upstream cvs. I could 
> rant here more, but you get the picture.
> Now my proposed solution; migrate from cvs to GNU arch. 
> #1. While I love bk, it's license is not FOSS friendly
> (imho) and it won't sit 
> well with many people to require it as development tool.
> But a very close 
> equivalent to it is GNU arch. Which is FOSS and works
> great.
> These are the recommended "Executive Summaries" you
> should look at:
> What is Arch? 
> Why Arch?
> The comparison sections are good as well.
> #2. GNU arch allows for gnupg signed archives. So we have
> a crypto-signed 
> archive of files which would make integrity checking
> (after a compromise) 
> much easier.
> Signing Archives
> #3. GNU arch allows for gnupg signed changesets (cvs
> commits).  We get both 
> authorization/authentication with gnupg signed
> changesets. As a side effect, 
> we get the ability to track every changeset to a
> developer via their gnupg 
> key.
> Signed changeset
> #4. GNU arch is totally distributed. There is no need to
> beg for commit 
> access, since everyone can have their own private
> archive. GNU arch makes it 
> very easy to merge changes from one archive into your own
> archive.
> This is not to say, we cannot have a central development
> model.
> Centralized Development
> Versioning strategies
> But it does allow for distribution of the source code so
> we don't have a 
> single point of failure, like we do now with
> We do not have to stop cvs cold-turkey. We can migrate
> slowly(?) if we have 
> to.
> Interoperating with CVS
> Tracking a project that doesn't use Arch
> What does everyone think?
> -- 
> Bob Tanner <basic at>          
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