On Tue, 16 May 2006, Jimmy Huang wrote:
> Hi Trent,
> I spent many hours writing that code up. Please do not
> insult me.

Try posting code like that to the mplayer list, then you will see insults.

> Where exactly did my indentation style change? Again,

hunk ./Vanilla/robots/newbie.c 120
-    class = STARBASE;
+    class = ATT;

You change the newbie bot from a starbase to an att, that's not in
your patch description.

hunk ./Vanilla/robots/newbie.c 140
-    me->p_x = 75000;                 /* displace to on overlooking position */
-    me->p_y = 100;                  /* maybe we should just make it fight? */
+    me->p_x = 55000;                 /* displace to on overlooking position */
+    me->p_y = 50000;                  /* maybe we should just make it fight? */

You move merlin to a new position, that's not in your patch description

-            if (next_team == FED)
-                start_a_robot("-Tf");
-            else
-                start_a_robot("-Tr");
+          if (next_team == FED)
+            start_a_robot("-Tf");

Original code is four space indents, you changed to two space indents.

+        if (j[i].p_team & pp_team) {
+          keep = i;
+          kill = 1;
+        }

Here you use K&R style with the brace on the same line as the if

+    if (tc == 0) /* no teams yet, join anybody */
+      {
+        rt = random() % 4;

Here you use the disgusting GNU style with stair-step braces on their
own line.

For projects I have administered or currently contribute to, this would be
completely unacceptable.  Maybe James thinks it is fine for netrek.  The
netrek codebase has never been high quality code, the server is ok, the
clients are very bad.  It reflects the code's history, random hacking by many
college students with little to no experience of a period of twenty plus
years.  Zach might say, "When twenty years old your code reaches, look as good
your code will not."

If James thinks mixed GNU and K&R style indention at sometimes 2 and sometimes
4 spaces is ok, then fine.  I'm not interested in getting into any kind of
policy discussion.