Hi James, I've been digging through the robotd code fixing something else. And, thanks to Trent's insistence I find out why pl is NULL sometimes. I figured out the logic in the check_take function in decide.c was basically flawed. It also explains why the bots don't like to take neutral planets, unless certain oddball conditions are met. I have summarily wiped out those oddball conditions (the independent planet had to be Non-Agri OR the bot had to have more than 4 armies???). Hopefully, this will fix it. (I think human players will hate this fix, as they can't run around behind the bots finishing their takes now.) And fix the funny stalemate condition. Also, don't apply the patch I sent out today. Trent pointed out some major problems with it -- mostly due to my ignorance in c programming. I did a darcs unrecord on my side already. Anyways, on with the code testing with gdb robot, and I'll see if this works. Jimmy --- James Cameron <quozl at us.netrek.org> wrote: > On Wed, May 17, 2006 at 12:26:08AM -0700, Jimmy > Huang wrote: > > 1. Make the bots smart enough to finish the game. > > That's certainly how I think it should happen. > > A scriptable robot spawned by the server as soon as > the timer expires > might be the way to do it. "Get kills, pick up, > take that planet." > > -- > James Cameron mailto:quozl at us.netrek.org > http://quozl.netrek.org/ > > _______________________________________________ > netrek-dev mailing list > netrek-dev at us.netrek.org > http://mailman.us.netrek.org/listinfo/netrek-dev >