On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 03:58:50PM -0400, Andrew K. Bressen wrote:
> Eh, a full mirror that rsync'd regularly would be nice for use as a
> warm backup/disaster recovery resource, but I think the full-on two
> live machines and round robin approach would just double the number of
> things we need to keep running when I suspect we're already above 99%
> uptime, which for our uses is plenty.

	Having the primary portal to netrek unavailable for multiple
	hours is not doing anyone any good.

"I'm sorry but our engineers do not have phones."
As stated by a Network Solutions Customer Service representative when asked to
be put through to an engineer.

"My other computer is your windows box."
                                     Ralf Hildebrandt
<sxem> trying to play sturgeon while it's under attack is apparently not fun.
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