On 2008-09-19 12:30:37 -0500, "John R. Dennison" <jrd at gerdesas.com> said: >> Why? > > The first "ban" reference above is the ban admin executable > that allows temporary banning, expiring bans, listing bans, > dumping bans, etc. This resides in $(DESTIDIR)/$(LIBDIR)/tools. > > The second reference above is the script that's called via > the in-game "admin ban" command. This script also appears > to be deprecated and does not add the ban to the etc/ip/deny > directory but continues to add it to the etc/banned file > instead. If it's deprecated, prune it? -- Bob Tanner <basic at us.netrek.org> Key fingerprint = F785 DDFC CF94 7CE8 AA87 3A9D 3895 26F1 0DDB E378