On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 12:54:09AM -0400, Zach Uram wrote:
> 12:04:52 GOD->ALL  The Orions have 1 minute remaining.
> 12:05:43  Oc->Oc   time
> 12:05:43 GOD->Oc   The Romulans will have 20 minutes left when T mode resumes
> 12:05:52 GOD->ALL  The Orions have surrendered.

Heh.  This happened because Romulans were indeed about to surrender
before T mode moved to being Orion versus Federation, and the logic only
reports the first team it finds about to surrender.  The surrender
countdown paused when T mode with Romulans ceased.  Romulan team is
numerically prior to Orion in the sorting order:

#define FED 1
#define ROM 2
#define KLI 4
#define ORI 8

The old logic looked for the first team of four that was considering

The new logic looks for the first T mode team that is considering

--- old-netrek-server/Vanilla/ntserv/ntscmds.c	2009-04-20 15:45:13.000000000 +1000
+++ new-netrek-server/Vanilla/ntserv/ntscmds.c	2009-04-20 15:45:13.000000000 +1000
@@ -840,9 +840,11 @@
   who = mess->m_from;
   addr = addr_mess(who,MINDIV);
-  for (t=0;((t<=MAXTEAM)&&(teams[t].te_surrender==0));t++);
-  if (t > MAXTEAM) {
+  t = context->quorum[0];
+  if (teams[t].te_surrender == 0) {
+    t = context->quorum[1];
+  }
+  if (teams[t].te_surrender == 0) {
     pmessage(who, MINDIV, addr, "No one is considering surrender now.  Go take some planets.");

Or do you think it should consider all teams that might be considering
surrender?  After all, if you all swapped to Romulan team at this point
in theory you would have been Better Off?

James Cameron    mailto:quozl at us.netrek.org     http://quozl.netrek.org/