On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 3:11 AM, John R. Dennison <jrd at gerdesas.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 01, 2010 at 02:33:32AM +0200, Toumal Rakesh wrote:
> >
> > Yep it's 64 bits...
> >
> > I'm afraid -m32 gets me into 32-bit-library hell since I can't seem to
> get a
> > 32-bit version of libgdbm that he likes.
>         What's the platform?
intel Xeon X3450 running Ubuntu 9.10 2.6.28-19-server x86_64

> > I took a look at those header files - um, it's safe to say they're very,
> > very different. I'm not a C-guru (not anymore, doing java for a living
> these
> > days) - is there anything particular that I could look out for to make
> > things work with 64bit?
>         I don't recall if Karthik and I ever isolated it.  In theory
>        it shouldn't be *too* difficult to make the bots use the
>        global headers versus their private copies but it's been
>        a while since I looked into it.  I have a dim memory of
>        someone working on it; I'll go through my mail archive when
>        I have the time and see if I can locate it.

That would be awesome. I've been running this site since 2002 and would be
able to host a netrek server long-term.

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