**Special** Clue Game

Sudden Death Overtime !!!Madness!!!

Revenge of the Criminal Element vs World

Weds 4/20 @ 9 pm US/Eastern

To play:     netrek -h netrek.crackaddict.com -p 4577
To observe:  netrek -h netrek.crackaddict.com -p 5000

Newbies should connect to the observer port (5000)


5+ mini-games
gametime 0 15
army 5

first, a newgalaxy
Home gets Fed
Away gets Rom

next game:
Home gets Rom
Away gets Fed

& keep swapping (so there's no time wasted choosing races)

1st game:  2 bases
2nd game:  2 bases
3rd game:  no bases
4th game:  away base only
5th game:  home base only

We'll play extra games if these end quickly.