Update of /cvsroot/netrek/client/netrekxp
In directory sc8-pr-cvs7.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv26714

Modified Files:
	NetrekXP to do list.C clientr.suo 
Log Message:
Resorted the server and client TODO lists as much progress has been made on both fronts.
Added an internal showdetcircle variable that acts as toggle, rather than having client change
the value of the actual detcircle variable, so that when netrekrc is saved by the in game
save option, it doesn't use a false value for detcircle.
Added beep sound to invalid button presses in the declare war window.
Minimal functionality added to generic_32_spacket. currently receives repair_time, which is
also a new field in the player struct (p_repair_time).  If server does not support the generic_32
feature, client will calculate repair time locally, as it has done in the past.
Netrekrc changes: rearranged keymap order, fixed typo in maxscrolllines message, improved
message describing useFullShipInfo, added new macro for clue game mailing list.
2 fixes to the keymap saving routine: support for mapping spacebar, and another fix so that
default macrokey is saved as well.
Fade out all sounds on quit (checked at end of redraw local).
Parsemeta changes: removed duplicate stringdefaults calls and placed them instead all
at in the same place, in parsemeta().

Index: NetrekXP to do list.C
RCS file: /cvsroot/netrek/client/netrekxp/NetrekXP to do list.C,v
retrieving revision 1.82
retrieving revision 1.83
diff -u -d -r1.82 -r1.83
--- NetrekXP to do list.C	12 Dec 2006 04:47:04 -0000	1.82
+++ NetrekXP to do list.C	12 Dec 2006 23:59:58 -0000	1.83
@@ -2,57 +2,50 @@
 1) there should be some sort of chance to give default resolution in GUI,
 which then maps windows accordingly.
 2) fix netrekrc append so that it doesn't keep adding new lines to the netrekrc
+3) Get source code for installer from Joe.
+4) Add a Cambot playback and Cambot record shortcut links to the installation package.
 Things not gonna happen, or server problems:
 1) Player list messaging doesn't work if you can't see player (cloaked, too far
 away, etc).  Don't think this is fixable.
 2) torp_other and plasma_other not working right due to lack of torp fuse info
-5) look into swar/war in repair time, with obs and plr - doesn't seem to be any way
-for an obs to know what the war decs are of the person he is observing. Best solution
-is to just have server send repair time and planet orbit info.
-6) twarping to base docked on base causes the twarp problem, but hard to reproduce
-7) Server sometimes not updating tract/press flags for observers, several instances
+3) twarping to base docked on base causes the twarp problem, but hard to reproduce
+4) Server sometimes not updating tract/press flags for observers, several instances
 where a ship is seen to have pressors on constantly, even when they are off
-8) Triple mode blanks planet names, if you vote to dogfight or hockey, names are not restored
-9) "The 0 0 20 minutes before empire collapses" - with surrenderstart = 1
-12) mars - lose nb_robots
-13) newbie/pret: monitor vs full_hostname
-14) on daemon exit in newbie/pret, kill any hosed bot slots
-15) end game bots are stupid, and on timericide don't act right
-16) if obs in game when merlin quits, queues still open..should be closed dammit
-17) final planet count and cscore would be nice in pw_stats
-Things that go wrong when short packets are on:
-1) cloaking/shields at warp 0 doesn't update someone else's tactical on what you did if
-there is no movement anywhere on map, and observer sound also messes up
+5) Triple mode blanks planet names, if you vote to dogfight or hockey, names are not restored
+6) "The 0 0 20 minutes before empire collapses" - with surrenderstart = 1
+7) mars - lose nb_robots
+8) newbie/pret: monitor vs full_hostname
+9) on daemon exit in newbie/pret, kill any hosed bot slots
+10) end game bots are stupid, and on timericide don't act right
+11) if obs in game when merlin quits, queues still open..should be closed dammit
+12) final planet count and cscore would be nice in pw_stats
 Things that are sorta fixed, but could use improvement:
-1) Bug with waraction..was being called even when clicking on border (broke function)
-..I added a default return to switch statement, but the underlying bug still remains.
-2) Border issue - quite complex problem, how to know the borders to obey after the bitmap
+1) Border issue - quite complex problem, how to know the borders to obey after the bitmap
 is rotated.  Only solution so far is to ignore borders with scaled bitmaps.
-3) AddFontResourceEx caused problems with win 98 machines.  Commented out, and using
+2) AddFontResourceEx caused problems with win 98 machines.  Commented out, and using
 old AddFontResource function.
-4) planet resource placement and refresh (for new planet bitmaps) will need adjusting if 
+3) planet resource placement and refresh (for new planet bitmaps) will need adjusting if 
 local is scaled
 Things to do:
 1) resizeable message windows.  Perhaps memory of window positions if you choose
 to save settings.  Text in windows should adjust to new window size.
 2) Save options for observer/servernick/servertype need to be saved
-4) Get source code for installer from Joe.
-4a) Add a Cambot playback and Cambot record shortcut links to the installation package.
-5) Get square planet bitmaps so I can turn them into mapped rotating globes.
-7) problem with message windows, text getting garbled near top, goes away with
+3) Get square planet bitmaps so I can turn them into mapped rotating globes.
+4) problem with message windows, text getting garbled near top, goes away with
 flushing with scroll button.  Doesn't show up initially, but do something like use
 scroll button, alt-enter, change to review all..and it shows up.
-7a) review all scrolling messes up text, if bottom of window is below the visible
+4a) review all scrolling messes up text, if bottom of window is below the visible
 bottom border of netrek window.  Actually will happen to whatever window is mapped 
 down there at bottom of screen.  Apprently the native windows function doesn't properly
 scroll text that is outside the viewable window.
-8) Have client utilize new server torp vector code
-10) Fade out ship explosion sound on quit
-11) Pop-up dialog box for bad version response
+5) Have client utilize new server torp vector code
+6) Pop-up dialog box for bad version response
+7) new UDP metaserver code has several problems re loading/saving metacache, status
+field not updating due to refresh not happening when it should, metawindow still can't
+handle correctly the case where servers would overwrite the quit button
 Stas's list:
 - color coded playerlist.

Index: clientr.suo
RCS file: /cvsroot/netrek/client/netrekxp/clientr.suo,v
retrieving revision 1.51
retrieving revision 1.52
diff -u -d -r1.51 -r1.52
Binary files /tmp/cvsBwVLve and /tmp/cvsIPRylD differ