Update of /cvsroot/netrek/client/netrekxp/src/winkey In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv7011/src/winkey Added Files: makefile winkeybcc.def winkeyshared.cpp Log Message: Winkey support for BCC --- NEW FILE: makefile --- # # This makefile is written for Borland C++ 5.5 # # Borland C++ 5.5 cc = bcc32 rc = brcc32 link = ilink32 compileandlink = bcc32 !IFDEF DEBUG cflags = -O2 -5 -v -pr -DWIN32 -DBorland -tW -tWM ccompileonly = -c !ELSE cflags = -O2 -5 -pr -DWIN32 -DBorland -tW -tWM ccompileonly = -c !ENDIF # Borland Libs LIBOPTS = /LC:\Borland\bcc55\lib;c:\Borland\bcc55\lib\psdk;..\Win32\lib\BCC /Tpe all: winkey.dll .cpp.obj: $(cc) $(cflags) $(ccompileonly) $< winkey.dll: winkey.obj winkeyshared.obj $(link) $(LIBOPTS) -Tpd -aa -V4.0 -c -x -GS:SHSEG=rws C0d32.OBJ winkey.obj winkeyshared.obj, winkey.dll,, import32.lib cw32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib, winkeybcc.def clean: del winkey.dll *.obj *.ilc *.ild *.ilf *.ils *.tds --- NEW FILE: winkeyshared.cpp --- #pragma option -zRSHSEG // sets segment name for this source file to SHARESEG #pragma option -zTSHARECLS // sets class name for segment to SHARECLS #include <windows.h> HHOOK g_hMsgHook = NULL; HHOOK g_hKeyHook = NULL; int g_iFlags = NULL; --- NEW FILE: winkeybcc.def --- LIBRARY SHAREDDLL SEGMENTS SHSEG CLASS 'SHCLASS' SHARED