Update of /cvsroot/netrek/client/netrekxp/resources/unused art In directory sc8-pr-cvs7.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv16681/resources/unused art Removed Files: federation.png klingon.png orion.png romulan.png Log Message: This patch adds scalability to the local window. New netrekrc option scaleFactor controls the scale, which can go from normal to 4x zoom. Control-a and control-z keys are now used to zoom in/out. SCALE was replaced by scaleFactor in many places, though SCALE is still used extensively. Many bitmap drawing functions now are scaled via a SCALE / scaleFactor. Also, many bitmaps that were never scaled before, i.e. the old bitmap sets, shield, cloak, explosions, etc..are now scaled. This has the added bonus of making the old ship bitmap sets show ships to 256 positions. Fixed some inconsistencies in how clearzones were defined in local.c, such as in the case of warnHull option. Fixed stars and inforange box to work at different zooms. Fixed the scalebitmap functions to use the color/palette on the globalmemdc2 for the first stretch bitmap operation, otherwise color info was lost. Allowing keyboard actions in richtext windows - this allows for copy /paste, however still the major problem of the richtext window proc not doing anything, thus keystrokes are ignored. Army/wrench/fuel icons were replaced by the unused art icons I had made but never used, since these now scale up to 4x (the old army/ wrench/fuel didn't look good at 4x zoom). Cleaned up a bunch of stray pixels in the highres ship bitmap sets, that were noticeable at higher zooms. Fixed the planet resource location and clearzones for both local and galactic planets with the new planet bitmaps. --- klingon.png DELETED --- --- orion.png DELETED --- --- romulan.png DELETED --- --- federation.png DELETED ---