Date:	Sunday July 2, 2000 @ 20:01
Author:	cameron

Update of /home/netrek/cvsroot/Vanilla/ntserv
In directory

Modified Files:
Log Message:
make admin commands scriptable


Index: Vanilla/ntserv/ntscmds.c
diff -u Vanilla/ntserv/ntscmds.c:1.12 Vanilla/ntserv/ntscmds.c:1.13
--- Vanilla/ntserv/ntscmds.c:1.12	Fri Jun 23 06:21:03 2000
+++ Vanilla/ntserv/ntscmds.c	Sun Jul  2 20:01:51 2000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $Id: ntscmds.c,v 1.12 2000/06/23 11:21:03 cameron Exp $
+/* $Id: ntscmds.c,v 1.13 2000/07/03 01:01:51 cameron Exp $
@@ -1136,21 +1136,21 @@
   if (!strcmp(one, "quit")) {
     if (them == NULL) return;
-    sprintf(command, "tools/xtkill %c e", them->p_mapchars[1]);
+    sprintf(command, "tools/admin/quit %s %c", p->p_full_hostname, them->p_mapchars[1]);
     pmessage(who, MINDIV, addr, "admin: player %s forced to quit.", two);
   } else if (!strcmp(one, "kill")) {
     if (them == NULL) return;
-    sprintf(command, "tools/xtkill %c", them->p_mapchars[1]);
+    sprintf(command, "tools/admin/kill %s %c", p->p_full_hostname, them->p_mapchars[1]);
     pmessage(who, MINDIV, addr, "admin: player %s killed.", two);
   } else if (!strcmp(one, "ban")) {
     if (them == NULL) return;
-    sprintf(command, "mail -s 'ban: %s' `whoami` < /dev/null", them->p_full_hostname);
+    sprintf(command, "tools/admin/ban %s %s", p->p_full_hostname, them->p_full_hostname);
     pmessage(who, MINDIV, addr, "admin: ban for player %s requested.", two);
   } else if (!strcmp(one, "reset")) {
-    system("tools/setgalaxy t");
+    system("tools/admin/reset %s", p->p_full_hostname);
     pmessage(who, MINDIV, addr, "admin: galactic has been reset.");
   } else {
     pmessage(who, MINDIV, addr, "admin: what? kill/quit/ban/reset, lowercase");