> > Several years ago, I might have agreed.  The problem is that 
> > where we used to have a pretty big following, we are really
> > trailing off.  At this point maybe what makes the game better
> > is just whatever the hell gets people playing.

I think some of your reasoning for wanting to make these changes may
have some merit.  But I think that your assumption that LPS should
be more "interesting" is incorrect.  LPS only happens in the most
unbalanced (and IMO boring) games.  Netrek is far more interesting
when you have two teams that are relatively equal in strength.  That
isn't to say that we should enforce equality among teams, but I don't
think changing the LPS mechanics will do anything to help the game
attract a larger player base or to improve the game's mechanics.

Dave Ahn | ahn at vec.wfubmc.edu | Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center

When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced.  Try to live your life
so that when you die, you will rejoice and the world will cry.  -1/2 jj^2