I think that I've got the setup program fixed. It seems that when the Inno Setup program compresses the pixmaps it corrupts them. I copied the pixmaps in their original tgz file format with the setup program, and then included a uncompression program to unzip them on the target end. I think I've got almost all of the bugs worked out and I'm ready to upload it to a location for testing. ftp.netrek.org ? Are there any other clients that could use this 'seamless' installation? As for Linux, I found a few setup programs on www.downloads.com but none seem to work. (Rust and Noodle) RPM is the only was to go in doing this. I know that Red Hat & Mandrake support RPMs, but do the other main distributors support them? Rust is an GUI RPM creator, but I had no luck compiling. The Noodle installer is a PERL program that looks promising, but I can get the files in the correct format for the program. >Very nice. I think you have all that is needed for an rc editor >right there. Any point in contineuing with writing another? :) Do want me to continue developing in this area?