On Saturday 08 December 2001 14:47, Trent Piepho wrote:
> On Sat, 8 Dec 2001, James Cameron wrote:
> > Subject to it working properly with the feature packet from a server, I
> > have no problems with the patch.
> That's the problem.  The windows clients ignore the feature packet from the
> server, and use continuous mouse anyway.  Most (all) servers have
> continuous mouse turned off, so all windows clients are pretty much borgs
> in this regard. I think there are really two options to this.
> The first is to revoke the RSA key of all clients which ignore the server's
> continuous mouse setting, since they are borgs.  I don't think this is a
> very good idea, as it will cause a lot of problems with people being unable
> to connect.
> The second is to decide that continuous mouse isn't a server controlled
> feature, and let unix clients ignore the server setting just like the
> windows clients.  Since most players have continuous mouse, it can't be
> that borg of a feature.

We will have to fix the bug in the windows client and use the server settings.

COW client policy is:

1) Whenever there are features in question COW will either not use them or 
allow them with server controlled features.

2) Whenever there are server controlled features COW must use them.

The rules are particulary importaint for using COW in INL or other league 

Kurt (007)
COW sourcekeeper

Kurt Siegl / Franzberg 4, A-4483 Hargelsberg, Austria
Email: Kurt.Siegl at freemail.at  Tel (ISDN):   *(7225)7017
URL:   http://members.aon.at/presents/siegl/kurt/