Why would messaging through sockets be cheating?  Surely, we don't consider
INL teams sitting all in one room to be cheating, do we?  Why should they be
allowed to communicate outside the normal messaging system, but bots can't?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Damouth" <ddamout1 at san.rr.com>
To: <vanilla-list at us.netrek.org>
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 1:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Vanilla List] organized, intelligent 'bots

> From: "Mark Mielke" <mark at mark.mielke.cc>
> intelligent 'bots
> > I actually started coding away. As I intend all 'bots to function as
> > appendages to a single unit, I've had to take a look at socket code.
> What is the point of designing a robot team that cheats by communicating
> through sockets instead of normal messaging?  The bots will be playing a
> different game than the humans.
> Why don't you add some socket code in the server to give your bots more
> information, while you're at it?  Or just give them 300 shields and hull,
> and gonzo phasers.
> Dan Damouth
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