ssh is freely available in Win so why would they have reason to
complain? the more security the better :)

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Bob Tanner wrote:

> As the Internet becomes more hostile and black hats more clever, Real Time is
> about to start its quarterly review of its security policies.
> How does this effect you?
> CVS access via pserver has gotten a bad rap at Real Time and the recommendation
> to move to the ssh method is on the table.
> We can stay with pserver for anonymous access.
> Can I require ssh access for committers?
> My thoughts are yes, since sourceforge requires it. But I know the last security
> review we did I brought this up and was told the window developers would hate
> it.
> Comments?
> -- 
> Bob Tanner <tanner at>       | Phone : (952)943-8700
>                 | Fax   : (952)943-8500
> Key fingerprint =  6C E9 51 4F D5 3E 4C 66 62 A9 10 E5 35 85 39 D9 
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