On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 02:41:27PM +0200, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
> Maybe the original author could reproduce it and keep only the netrek logo ? 
> I need it into 48x48, 32x32 and 16x16 format. Just send me the largest one.

The logo I used came from http://www.netrek.org/ and was 225 x 42 pixels.
It would be impractical to reduce it to a square.  I think another image
is needed, and I'm afraid I cannot suggest one.

The COW client CVS tree has netrek.png which I shall attach to this mail.
It is not really appropriate for the server configuration GUI though.

I've also just taken a snapshot of the tactical view of the planet
Orion, and included it as 48x48 and 32x32.  Perhaps this would be a
reasonable fallback for the server packaging.

James Cameron    mailto:quozl at us.netrek.org     http://quozl.netrek.org/
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