I am interested.


On 12/8/06, Dave Ahn <ahn at orion.netrek.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 08, 2006 at 01:57:12PM -0500, Andrew K. Bressen wrote:
> >
> > James Cameron <quozl at us.netrek.org> writes:
> > > Let me know if you think the genocide content should be in a darcs repo.
> >
> > Yes, absolutely.
> I disagree on this one.  I'd rather see the Netrek Home Page content in
> a semi-access-controlled Wiki than in what is essentially a source code
> repository.  The major problem with the Netrek Home Page in the past has
> been individual control and limited access where one or the few
> maintainer(s) become a bottleneck to maintaining active content.  I
> count myself as one of these individuals.
> > What are the scripts written in? What do I need
> > to install to replicate site functionality? (I have a home linux box
> > with apache and php already... do I need a cms?).
> Genocide's netrek pages are written in PHP.  I would prefer to move away
> from this because it requires one (or a group) of trusted maintainers
> with unrestricted access to one of the main netrek infrastructure
> servers.  Finding a balance between open host access and open editorial
> access can be difficult, and a Wiki is a great candidate.
> > To catch the rest of you up, we need some webpage work done.  The
> > genocide.netrek.org site (former www.netrek.org) looks to my mind
> > fantastic, and it'd be a huge amount of work to come up with something
> > else as good. If we're going to work on the webpages, I think the
> > effort is better placed towards updating and extending the
> > approximately 250 pages of existing content. So I'm trying to make
> > that happen.
> There are three reasons why the Netrek home pages (various incarnations)
> are in such a bad state:
> 1) The previous maintainer is gone, and nobody qualified has stepped up
>    to help assist in taking a leading role in maintaining the web pages.
>    Several people have volunteered for certain parts of the Netrek home
>    page, however, and they are waiting for set up and a lead.
> 2) Some existing owners/maintainers of other, more active netrek web pages
>    prefer to keep their content separate from www.netrek.org rather than
>    as an integral part of it.  There is nothing wrong with this, as that
>    is the nature of the WWW.
> 3) I have not had the time to move the genocide content over to
>    www.netrek.org's Wiki.
> If you or anyone else would be interested in a combined effort to
> (re)build the Netrek home page, I'd be happy to discuss this and can
> offer the appropriate access.
> Dave
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