It turns out, even newbie.c (aka Merlin),
differentiates between robots and humans based on the
login name "robot!" 

If you are logged in with login name of "robot!" you
stand the risk of getting kicked out for a real

If you are the real player logged in, Merlin will kick
everyone out thinking there are only robots in the

PFPRACTR -> practise robot.  Only robot that gets
tagged with this is the robot that comes out when you
press '*' to send in a practise robot. 

PFBPROBOT -> base practise robot, newbie-server,
robot, etc. 

Hey! U R onto something here! 

I looked through all of the current vanilla code, and
there's only one mention of PFBPROBOT in
ntserv/socket.c .

So, it looks like someone did want to try to tag all
basepractise and newbie robots with a PFBPROBOT flag,
but most of the rest of the code isn't there yet. 


--- William Balcerski <williamb at>

> There's 2 other robot flags, PFPRACTR and PFBPROBOT,
> maybe one of those
> could be used?
> Bill