Thu May 18 12:44:16 EST 2006  quozl at
  * move wdt reset from SIGALRM handler to input handler
  Slots may jam in POUTFIT after KWINNER if the user terminates
  the client ungracefully ... such that the TCP connection is gone but
  the ntserv lives on.
  During this time, daemon synchronisation still sends SIGALRM to the
  ntserv, and ntserv's SIGALRM handler still resets the p_ghostbust
  Prototype solution is to move p_ghostbust watchdog timer reset from
  within the SIGALRM handler to the section of main loop that is
  executed when input arrives from the client.
  Monitoring the p_ghostbust timer with gdb shows it is now reset for a
  dormant client on receipt of ping responses.
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