This is going to sound really obvious. 

But the way mprintf gets called and mfprintf gets
called are different. 

Your typical mprintf call looks like:

mprintf("declaring peace with %s\n",

while a typical mfprintf call look like:

         "shmem_cloakd: player not cloaked\n");

So, I think it has to do what you say about how, you
have to be careful when sending stuff to things other
than stdout??? A total guess on my part. 

I should have saved the backtrace. It takes a while
before a crash occurs. 


P.S. I'm working on fun things, like making the bots
take advantage of "ATT" ships (but not abusing them)
when you give them one via xsg. 

Also found an interesting bombing bug. Actually it's
not a bug per se, as the robot gets through it
(figures it out... eventually). But, if a bot takes a
planet and keeps dropping till the planet has >4
armies... It will then proceed to try to bomb those

--- Trent Piepho <xyzzy at> wrote:

> On Thu, 18 May 2006, Jimmy Huang wrote:
> >
> > > It is very strange that mfprintf would crash and
> not
> > > mprintf.  Do you have a
> > > gdb backtrace of when it crashes?
> > >
> >
> > fprintf doesn't crash, not mprintf. I haven't
> tried
> > mprintf.
> There is a function called mprintf() that the robot
> uses that
> is almost the same as mfprintf().  Why would
> mfprintf() crash
> and not mprintf()?
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