> This is the correct fix:
> -   if(!(pl->pl_flags & PLAGRI) || me->p_armies >=
> 5){
> +   if(!tpl || !(tpl->pl_flags & PLAGRI) ||
> me->p_armies < 5){
> Now the logic is:
> There are no acceptable enemy planets -> look for
> ind ones (*)
> The closest enemy planet is agri and I have five or
> more armies -> skip
> looking for neut planets, the agri take is better
> All other cases, look for nuet planets and take them
> before enemy planets
> I think this logic is probably what Hadley intended
> to write, he just got
> the logic backwards for the army check.

Hey Trent, U R much better at figuring out what a
person intended to write than I am!

That looks right! It's definitely better than me just
getting rid of the errant code. 

I'll need to stick your name into the patches I
