--- Zach <netrek at gmail.com> wrote: > > Can't you also rank with 4x DI and stats two below > and 8x DI and three below? > > 16x DI for 4 below, that's a lot of hours! 320 DI > * 16 = 5120 / 5 stats = > > 1024 hours. I think Chewbaca has that many, I > added a feature to Paradise > > 2000 because he had >1000 hours and made the > player list columns not line >up. > > Fisher has over 5,000 DI on continuum. Hi, I think whomever is asking for this change should just be promoted to Admiral when he requests it of the server god. And the server god should look at it from a case to case basis. I don't think the server should automatically do this. You don't automatically promote the janitor of a company to CEO just because he's worked there longer than everyone else. 8x DI should be the limit, that's just my opinion at least. Jimmy