On Tue, Jun 03, 2008 at 02:32:47PM -0500, John R. Dennison wrote:
> On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 03:17:13PM -0500, John R. Dennison wrote:
> > There are python errors in the dev wiki at:
> > 
> > http://wiki.us.netrek.org/netrek-dev
> > 
> > Is this residual from last night?
> 	I just noticed that the problems with the dev wiki have been
> 	resolved sometime in the past 2 hours.
> 	Thank you to whomever was responsible.

	Well, it appears I jumped the gun.  I had only lynx'd
	the first page and noticed it was back on-line; sadly
	it appears that content is missing (missing links, 
	no recent changes listed, etc).


"I'm sorry but our engineers do not have phones."
As stated by a Network Solutions Customer Service representative when asked to
be put through to an engineer.

"My other computer is your windows box."
                                     Ralf Hildebrandt
<sxem> trying to play sturgeon while it's under attack is apparently not fun.
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