Are there any mac users out there that can test this? 
Can we verify how many mac players have been hitting the servers this past week?

I download the client, execute it and the only option I have is localhost.

> Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 09:01:53 -0400
> From: billbalcerski at
> To: netrek-dev at; quozl at
> Subject: Re: [netrek-dev] conflicts with mactrek and metaserver change?
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 12:46 AM, James Cameron <quozl at> wrote:
>> Whoops.  While you are there, does it use TCP only or UDP?
> Looks like TCP only.  From MetaServerParser.m:
>  // connect and create a stream
>  LLTCPSocket *socket = [[LLTCPSocket alloc] init];
> I don't see any reason why failure of meta2 would break the client,
> the code seems to add any new servers found from metaserver2 (result2)
> to the list of servers.  Assuming that the result2 is properly
> initialized so that count = 0.  I didn't check the data initialization
> due to lack of knowledge of how objective C works.  From
> MetaServerTableDataSource.m:
>  // add the new server in result2 to metaServerServers
>  for (int i=0; i < [result2 count]; i++) {
>  	MetaServerEntry *entry = [result2 objectAtIndex:i];
>  	if ([self findServer:[entry address]]) {
>  		// server already there
>  		//LLLog(@"MetaServerTableDataSource.refreshServers: duplicate entry
> for %@", [entry address]);
>  	} else {
>  		// new, must add
>  		LLLog(@"MetaServerTableDataSource.refreshServers: new entry for
> %@", [entry address]);
>  			[metaServerServers addObject:entry];
>  	}
>  }
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> netrek-dev mailing list
> netrek-dev at

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