On 02/21/2010 10:54 AM, Zachary Uram wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 4:28 AM, James Cameron<quozl at us.netrek.org>  wrote:
>> There is no automatic method that would be welcome, since it would
>> certainly make mistakes with the code.  It takes manual work by people
>> who know the code ... and if those people are available we'd far rather
>> have them work on features the community needs than readability that
>> some university student discarded us for.
> Ok. That make sense.

I think the readability has actually improved significantly since the 
early '90s. :-)

There is always room for improvement, but I have seen much worse.

When I first started hacking on the client and the server, around 
1990(?), I was around 12, and was able to navigate the code, create a 
borg client with all the standard features (assisted targeting, 
automatic phaser of plasma, automatic detonate others, etc.), and extend 
the server to do various things ("natural" planet orbits - both ways, 
smooth galaxy wrap around with visibility back to the client across the 
borders, etc.). It was not really that hard. If the code was really that 
bad, I think I would have had more trouble... :-)
