Update: I have made a proxy-free branch that assumes the Netrek server is
listening for WebSocket connections on port 16446 and connects directly.
See the demo here: http://apsillers.github.com/html5-netrek/

This is nice because it removes my dependency on Node.js hosting and
instead foists the WS-toTCP proxying onto the Netrek server itself, thereby
eliminating the need for a middle server. The JS code is statically hosted
on Github, and my personal server on netrek.apsillers.com (which I set up
yesterday) is listening on both 2592:tcp as well as 16446:ws by way of
Websockify, used simply with `python websockify.py -D 16445
localhost:2592`. (Note that in a previous message I suggested using C-based
Websockify, but it appears that it hasn't been updated to comply with the
latest WS standard, whereas the Python version has.)

The downside is that the proxy-less version can only connect to servers
that run Websockify (or similar) to listen on a WebSocket port. It might be
possible to build a hybrid system that assumes server-hosted WS-to-TCP
translation but uses a proxy as a fallback.

The new proxy-free code is in the ws-direct branch:


On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Andrew Sillers <apsillers at gmail.com> wrote:

> > with JavaScript, the original binary Netrek protocol is probably a pain
> to deal with(?), so perhaps using something simple yet compact (JSON comes
> to mind) would be better
> The JavaScript code to create binary Netrek protocol messages is already
> in place at
> https://github.com/apsillers/html5-netrek/blob/master/js/packets.js. I'll
> admit it was a bit of a pain to set up, but it's virtually complete now, so
> implementing a JSON-to-binary converter wouldn't afford a large benefit to
> this particular project. However, it might ease the setup cost for new
> developers and new clients (i.e., they could skip the "bit of a pain to set
> up" step), so there's certainly some merit to the idea.
> > However, we want to take advantage of WebRTC's capability to use UDP!
> > ...we could hopefully reuse most of the normal netrek UDP protocol
> (inside WebRTC) once the packets are flowing.
> Agreed. The NetrekConnection class (inside net.js) basically does this
> with a Websocket-wrapped TCP setup, so I expect it's possible to implement
> a WebRTC-wrapped UDP setup.
> I feel I should also point out that the Netrek JavaScript and HTML code is
> usable outside of a traditional Web browser. I've toyed with a Chrome web
> app deployment using Chrome's socket APIs, which include both TCP and UDP
> support. I've also made an Android application (
> https://github.com/apsillers/html5-netrek/tree/phonegap; actual .apk
> executable in /bin) using Phonegap and a simple TCP plugin that I wrote. I
> could easily implement a UDP plugin for Phonegap and (less easily)
> integrate it into the JavaScript networking code. The NetrekConnection
> class in my JS code simply exposes an abstract API for sending and
> receiving data that rest of the code uses; the only that needs to change
> between platforms is the raw networking code that implements that API.
> WebRTC is definitely the way to go for a lossy data channel in the Web
> browser, but other Javascript-based platforms can expose direct TCP and UDP
> APIs that don't require a proxy or interpreter at all.
> That last paragraph is neither here nor there with respect to the current
> topic (which is focused on Web browser support), but I thought I'd share it
> just to give a more comprehensive view of future options for this code.
> Andrew
> Now, on the client side with JavaScript, the original binary Netrek
> > protocol is probably a pain to deal with(?), so perhaps using something
> > simple yet compact (JSON comes to mind) would be better (even at the
> > cost of higher bandwidth usage).
> On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 6:12 AM, James Cameron <quozl at us.netrek.org> wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 04, 2013 at 11:31:33AM +0100, Sven Neuhaus wrote:
>> > Am 02.03.2013 02:40, schrieb Andrew Sillers:
>> > > My proxy is a simple Websocket-to-TCP proxy, which can easily be run
>> on
>> > > the same machine as the actual server.
>> >
>> > Nice. However, we want to take advantage of WebRTC's capability to use
>> > UDP! I think proxy-wise all we need to support WebRTC would be something
>> > to initiate the UDP peer2peer connection [in this case between the
>> > browser and the netrek server acting as WebRTC endpoint], we could
>> > hopefully reuse most of the normal netrek UDP protocol (inside WebRTC)
>> > once the packets are flowing.
>> >
>> > Now, on the client side with JavaScript, the original binary Netrek
>> > protocol is probably a pain to deal with(?), so perhaps using something
>> > simple yet compact (JSON comes to mind) would be better (even at the
>> > cost of higher bandwidth usage).
>> Yes, the original binary Netrek protocol is somewhat difficult to deal
>> with using today's application languages, and has a few hidden
>> behaviours that are surprising.
>> JSON is used by the Gytha Netrek client for maintaining the
>> achievements data on the user's filesystem.  I picked it for minimum
>> coding time.
>> In the context of the network protocol though, JSON is a reasonable
>> tradeoff between compressibility, coding time, and performance.  It is
>> a well known format.
>> But I can't stop thinking of JSON as just another instance of Lisp
>> s-expressions!  ;-)
>> A server side protocol translator would not be difficult.  I don't see
>> any great need to tightly integrate it into the shared memory system
>> used by ntserv and daemon.
>> --
>> James Cameron
>> http://quozl.linux.org.au/
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