> Want bug reports?

Thanks! I think the project the project is now mature enough to get bug
reports. I've been using the issue tracker on Github at
https://github.com/apsillers/html5-netrek/issues, which I think anyone can
write to. If you can't, let me know and I'll see what project settings I
need to change. I'd welcome bug reports, enhancement requests (especially
if it would make it more suitable for newbies), and comments on existing
reports (e.g., on "Improve Explosions" enhancement, a link to good 2D
explosion graphics).

Per your request, I've added in the map border, and I fixed the
update-failure bug.

I've also just added:
* Dynamic resizing so the game fills the whole screen
    * (this needs a little more work because the interface looks too sparse
when at a large size)
* Chat-to-all by default on chat bar click (like COW does)
* Fixed a major phaser bug
* Added steering and aiming pointers while playing with a gamepad

As always, my production code is running at http://netrek.nodester.org, my
proxy-free branch is running at http://apsillers.github.com/html5-netrek/,
and my code is at https://www.github.com/apsillers/html5-netrek.


On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 6:58 AM, Sven Neuhaus <sven-netrek-dev at sven.de>wrote:

> Great stuff Andrew!
> Want bug reports? This is unrelated to the new websocket protocol stuff
> probably:
> I noticed that the map border is not visible on the map and if you hit the
> northern border (I didn't try the other ones), the local map stops updating.
> -Sven
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