On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 12:56:33PM -0500, Zachary Uram wrote:
> yikes
> took 25 hops to get there from my machine
> can u say 'lost packets'! LOL :)
> the machine is somewhere in Germany

Eeeeeeeeeww, guess you're not man enough to play there then.

FYI, here's a trace from that box to CMU. Doesn't look shabby to me at all.
The lost packet at the last hop seems to be a CMU problem, it's always
there and exactly there.

$ traceroute cmu.edu
traceroute to cmu.edu (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
 1  cisco (  3.789 ms  2.986 ms  4.276 ms
 2 (  11.023 ms  3.353 ms  3.915 ms
 3  gw2.Dortmund2.de.alter.net (  3.775 ms  4.084 ms  3.725 ms
 4  cr1.Dortmund1.de.alter.net (  4.017 ms  3.840 ms  3.832 ms
 5  191.ATM1-0.cr1.Frankfurt1.de.alter.net (  7.992 ms  7.787 ms  8.405 ms
 6  114.ATM2-0-0.xr2.Frankfurt1.de.alter.net (  8.032 ms  8.230 ms  8.432 ms
 7  SO-1-0-0.TR1.FFT1.Alter.Net (  7.886 ms  8.570 ms  8.339 ms
 8  SO-4-0-0.IR1.NYC12.Alter.Net (  90.232 ms  94.570 ms  90.423 ms
 9  so-1-0-0.IR1.NYC9.ALTER.NET (  90.303 ms  90.120 ms  90.323 ms
10  119.at-5-0-0.TR1.DCA6.ALTER.NET (  95.412 ms  97.090 ms  96.796 ms
11  187.at-5-1-0.XR1.DCA1.ALTER.NET (  96.889 ms  98.623 ms  96.670 ms
12  195.ATM7-0.GW3.PIT1.ALTER.NET (  102.025 ms  101.886 ms  101.971 ms
13  psc-gw2.customer.alter.net (  103.058 ms  104.869 ms  102.720 ms
14  cmu.psc.net (  103.819 ms  103.609 ms  108.391 ms
15  CYH-A100-VLAN255.GW.CMU.NET (  105.440 ms  105.358 ms  115.186 ms
16  CMU1.ACS.CMU.EDU (  104.899 ms *  103.934 ms

So maybe you will dare to show up despite 105ms of lag insanity :-)
We'll be waiting for you.

-Sven / Courier
The Lord prefers common-looking people.  That is the reason that He makes
so many of them.
		-- Abraham Lincoln