On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 12:41:53PM -0500, Mark Mielke wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 07:18:03AM -0800, Daniel Damouth wrote:
> > From: "Jeffrey Nowakowski" <jeffno at ccs.neu.edu>
> > > You can't use "borgish" as a criteria of what to put/not put into a
> > > robot team.  By it's very nature the robot is "borgish".  As long as
> > > the robot isn't getting any special help from the server it isn't
> > > cheating.
> > If a robot is doing things that are illegal for a human to do, such as
> > communicating through sockets with other clients, it is cheating.
> You do realize that what you are suggesting, is that if a person opens
> an IRC window to speak to his other team mates (IRC uses TCP/IP), that
> this team is now "cheating" under your definition of the term.

You're an idiot.

> At least Tom doesn't think it's cheating. He just thinks it won't work,
> or that it isn't worth the effort. :-)

There are a lot of things robots do that really are cheating.  For example,
they always know the speed of other ships on their tactical, and they
have the equivalent of "show cloakers on tactical".  It's not really
possible to hold them to human standards; they process information