Heh.  Maybe we can get some money to hire somebody to write a new newbie
friendly Windows client...

----- Forwarded message from Tux Games Open Source <opensource at tuxgames.com> -----

Delivered-To: netrek-ahn at netrek.org
From: Tux Games Open Source <opensource at tuxgames.com>
To: ahn at netrek.org
Subject: Tux Games Open Source Projects Assistance
Reply-To: opensource at tuxgames.com
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 03:02:43 +0100

For the attention of the coordinator of your Open Source Project.

This is a one-off email to make you aware of a new program being run
by Tux Games, the Linux Games Store. If you are already aware of it,
please accept my apologies for this email.

Tux Games is aware that you, and many like you devote many hours to
producing game-related Open Source projects. We know that you do not
do it for the money. But we also know that many of you have bills to

Tux Games has set up a section of our online store to allow you to
list your game on our site, and tell people a little about it. People
will be able to make cash donations to your project via credit card
payments or PayPal. If you already have a facility for this, then you
will probably have no need for our services, if you do not, then any
Open Source game related project is welcome to join up.

We do not look for anything in return. We make no profit from this. We
are offering this as a community service, to allow the people who give
of their time to receive some tangible reward.

This is the only email we will send, unless you request further
information. To join the program, please see the URL
http://www.tuxgames.com/donations .


                       Tux Games Open Source Projects

----- End forwarded message -----

Dave Ahn | ahn at vec.wfubmc.edu | Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center

When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced.  Try to live your life
so that when you die, you will rejoice and the world will cry.  -1/2 jj^2