On Mon, Nov 26, 2001 at 02:38:36AM -0500, Gerard Lim wrote: > Also, what's the name of the Vanilla server module for CVS ? :) We never found the need to migrate to SourceForge. % cvs -d :pserver:netrek at cvs.us.netrek.org:/home/netrek/cvsroot \ login Password: netrek % cvs -d :pserver:netrek at cvs.us.netrek.org:/home/netrek/cvsroot \ checkout Vanilla See http://vanilla.netrek.org/ for more details. To get an account, (do you plan to make any changes at the server end?), ask the list and we'll get you added. Subscribe to vanilla-devel to get the occasional Vanilla update mailed to you. -- James Cameron mailto:quozl at us.netrek.org http://quozl.netrek.org/