Ainsi parlait James Cameron :
> On Sun, Oct 21, 2001 at 04:16:33PM -0400, Dave Ahn wrote:
> > James, are you bundling RES-RSA with Vanilla?
> It appears so.  I just noticed.  The 2.9pl7.tar.gz has res-rsa files.
> See after signature for the list.  Do you still need to tell 'em when
> it was imported from Australia first?  ;-)
> This is because of 'make dist'.  To avoid packing RES-RSA with Vanilla,
> we'll need to either complicate the 'make dist' sequence, or make
> RES-RSA unpack to a location other than the Vanilla tree.  What do you
> think?
Me ? I don't care, as i can use any number of source archive in the rpm, and 
unpack them where i want before build. But to make package evolution easier, 
i would like to know now what system future vanilla release will use (res-rsa 
included or in distinct archive).

> > > Now with the new problems... Vanilla use standard autoconf/automake,
> >
> > While Vanilla does use autoconf, I'm not sure how many of the specific
> > directory overrides it accepts.  Perhaps James could comment.
> --prefix is the only override we've used.
> While I have seen that most distributions want to split files into
> different directories, the code in the Netrek Server presumes just one
> directory will be used; LIBDIR, from --prefix.
Most distributions try to comply with FHS, which make precise assumption to 
where files should go:
- read-only data in /usr/share/<soft>
- read-write data in /var/lib/<soft>
- normal binaries in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin
- games binaries in /usr/games
- etc...
As it seems i'll have to make installation manually, there is no problem 
putting files into place. I just hope they will run with such configuration...
Guillaume Rousse <rousse at>
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