Looks good. Please continue! My contributions ... - from looking at the main window, I could not work out what 'Normal' means, and why it is in a radio button set with 'MetaServer' and 'Observation'. - 'MetaServer' should be 'Metaserver', because it is one word not two, and we refer to it as the metaserver everywhere else. - 'Observation' should be done as a separate 'Connect' button, e.g. 'Play' vs 'Observe' buttons. Maybe 'Watch' is a less technical term. - it isn't obvious that the file browse option is for recording the game, so place it in an outline like 'Client Settings' is in 'Program Settings' - place 'Record' and the filename into the 'Settings' menu on the main window, so as to not clutter up the window. Remember the 'Record' state for next time. Take a folder name rather than a filename, and auto- matically choose a filename (e.g. servername-date) so that the user can just click on them later to play them back. - there don't appear to be any shortcut underlines, - the 'Server' selection only allows one line ... it should be a list that is populated at startup from a data file, and then a metaserver query by UDP ... let me know if you need help with that bit ... to update the list. I'd then expect the player to either double-click on a server entry, or click and then click 'Play' - just call it 'Netrek' on the title bar, rather than 'Netrek Launcher', because your target market doesn't need to know it is an extra program, and I would expect that you would ship it *with* the client anyway. - the settings window should be titled 'Netrek Settings' rather than 'Settings'? - 'Program Settings' might need a better name, - 'General Options' need only say 'General', - in 'Program Settings', the outline area 'Client Settings' would be better labelled 'Files'. - since you have an outline area for files, add one as well for the other ones on the same notebook tab? - 'Dir.' should be 'Folder'. - 'Cap-Lock' should be 'Caps Lock', - the 'at Connect.' bit of each of these buttons is not needed, because it is obvious from context that it applies once play is started. - at the bottom of the 'Settings' window, I would expect the order of buttons to be 'OK', 'Apply', and then 'Cancel', but I guess you'd know the order seen on your system. I don't know it. - can I see screen shots of the other 'Settings' notebook tags? - JPG is no good for screen shots, use GIF or PNG format, and see the difference in size and quality. -- James Cameron mailto:quozl at us.netrek.org http://quozl.netrek.org/