>>I was wondering if the source of the metaserver is available somewhere
>>(probably yes ;-)
> I haven't checked, but it should be on ftp://ftp.netrek.org/pub/netrek
> somewhere.

I just walked the entire tree again and could not find it. Maybe i'm

>>What ports must be opened and what checks are done before it is
>>added to the list?
> If a random player can get to the list, so can the metaserver.

I dont quite understand this statement?! Dou you mean the metaserver
attempts to contact my server at TCP port 2591 to request a list of
current players? It should be able to do that...

> There are two ways to get on the list.
> 1) You ask us to put you on the list, and we edit our config files.

;-) of course. I'd like to ask for nl.netrek.org to be added, but first
I am curious what makes the automates setup fail. David Watson (Volcane)
also wondered why eurotwinks.netrek.org didn't get listed a while ago,
so it is not just my server.

> 2) Your netrek server itself adds itself to the lists through a
>    process called metaserver solicitation.  In the docs directory
>    on your server, look at the file called sample_metaservers and 
>    make a file called .metaservers in the netrek root directory.

The file existed and was filled in according to the given example:

ehb > cat /usr/local/netrek/.metaservers
metaserver.us.netrek.org 3521 60 120 nl.netrek.org B 2592 2593 open
metaserver2.us.netrek.org 3521 60 120 nl.netrek.org B 2592 2593 open
metaserver.eu.netrek.org 3521 60 120 nl.netrek.org B 2592 2593 open

I'm running Vanilla-2.9pl8 on Sparc64 NetBSD 1.6.1.

What I wanted to check in the metaserver code was if maybe it does
a DNS lookup and checks that against the given server address? In my
case that would fail since it yields different results:

ehb > nslookup nl.netrek.org
Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    www.shadowhunter.org
Aliases:  nl.netrek.org

ehb > nslookup
Name:    062-021-236-245.ADSL-ECON.PN.NL

Help me out here plz.

Greetx, Erik

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vanilla-metaserver at lists.real-time.com