--- Trent Piepho <xyzzy at speakeasy.org> wrote:
> On Sun, 4 Jun 2006, Jimmy Huang wrote:
> > This doesn't help make the robots any smarter per
> se,
> > but it does give the new player more to do in a
> newbie
> > server.
> >
> > Not only taking makes a big difference now, but
> > defending planets or ogging carriers will also now
> > make a difference.
> I don't think sending the orbit flag to all players
> is a good idea.

I asked for people's opinions about that a few days
ago, and didn't get much of a response. 

Ssssoo, I took the path of least resistance ;-P. I
changed 1 line of code that I knew would work, vs.
trying some #ifdef nodefs in the bot code (the next
path of least resistance)....

Anyhow, I'll try the #ifdefs and see if they work. 
