On Feb 19, 2008 5:08 PM, James Cameron <quozl at us.netrek.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 08:08:38PM +0100, Rado S wrote:

> > Is there a distinction possible between "host unreachable" and
> > "server down"?
> I don't know, it has been a while since I worked in the metaserver code.
I can't speak for how the metaserver sorts these cases, but on the
client end (for the Windows clients) our users can parse their
metaserver listing to only show server types they want.  Relevant
snippet from netrekrc.txt is as follows:

# What servers to get from metaserver
# 0 - with players
# 1 - as above + with queue
# 2 - as above + with nobody playing (default)
# 3 - as above + timed out servers
# 4 - as above + servers that metaserver could not connect to
metaStatusLevel: 2

So by default, XP 2006 doesn't list servers that couldn't be connected
to, or timed out servers.  If at one point a server was able to be
connected to, but on the next client session it is no longer
available, the server will remain in the metacache for 5 metaserver
connect attempts, then fall out of the cache.

