Run into the strangest linking error for tools/trimscores on osx/darwin.

Compile of trimscores.c to .o no problems.

Go to link.

/usr/bin/gcc  -g -Wl,-search_paths_first -headerpad_max_install_names - 
fPIC trimscores.o  -o trimscores  ../ntserv/libnetrek.a
Undefined symbols:
   "_Cambot_out", referenced from:
       _Cambot_out$non_lazy_ptr in libnetrek.a(getpath.o)
   "_NoCount_File", referenced from:
       _NoCount_File$non_lazy_ptr in libnetrek.a(getpath.o)
   "_Global", referenced from:
       _Global$non_lazy_ptr in libnetrek.a(getpath.o)
   "_PlayerFile", referenced from:
       _PlayerFile$non_lazy_ptr in trimscores.o
       _PlayerFile$non_lazy_ptr in libnetrek.a(getpath.o)
   "_GodLog", referenced from:
       _GodLog$non_lazy_ptr in libnetrek.a(getpath.o)

I've removed al CFLAGS and LDFLAGS still get the same linking error.

Ok, lets look at libnetrek, getpath.o in there?

$ ar t libnetrek.a | grep getpath

getpath cannot resolve (as an example) GodLog, poking around I found  
GodLog is defined in data.c

char MesgLog[FNAMESIZE];
char GodLog[FNAMESIZE]; <----------

Is data.o in libnetrek?

$ ar t libnetrek.a | grep data

Is GodLog inside data.o?

$ ar x libnetrek.a  data.o
$ nm data.o  | grep GodLog
00000100 C _GodLog

Any ideas?

Bob Tanner <tanner at>                 | Phone : 952-943-8700, Linux, OSX, VMware | Fax      : 952-943-8500
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