As previously discussed here:

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I offered to pickup and help with the development of the netrek client for osx.

At the time I had never written a line of objective-c. Cocoa was 
something chocolate, served hot, with marshmellows. So, I started down 
the path of "Hello, world!".

As I dabbled I made little projects, licensed them under GPLv2, and put 
them into bzr.

I will start to put these little projects into launchpad so others who 
wish to start down the netrek-for-osx development path will have 
example code to look at.

In each project, I tried to incorporate a feature or features I felt 
would be useful in mactrek.

The first project I've put up in launchpad is called FirstApp (nice 
huh?) and it uses the Sparkle
( framework for self-updating.

You can view code here:
You can get the code here: bzr branch lp:~tanner/+junk/xcode+FirstApp

By default, the xcode project compiles a 0.1 release of FirstApp, I 
have 0.2 release online (via appcast). So after running FirstApp 2 time 
(see #5 for details) you should get the 
auto-update window.

FirstApp demonstrates the use of Sparkle for self-updating osx 
applications. Which I think would be a useful feature in mactrek.

NOTE: Release 0.2 is 10.5/i386 application so if you aren't 10.5 and 
aren't i386 things will be ugly! I have since learned how to compile 
universal binaries (i386/ppc) but Sparkle requires you to split 
revisions of osx and I do not have anything but 10.5 systems.
Bob Tanner <basic at>          
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