I just tried this out for a bit against some bots...awesome work. This is a pretty amazing leap in client technology.

The controls are a little hard to use, but far more intuitive than the default trek controls. I had trouble speeding up and slowing down while dfing as I would on a regular computer, and also had trouble firing torps when phasers were available (esp at the periphery of phaser distance.) But I was able to df with bots in an acceptable fashion after a little practice.

Using my magic keyboard (with trackpad), the trackpad worked the same as a finger on the screen as you might expect. It might be nice if the trackpad/mouse could only set course during combat and not fire weapons if desired, because then I could use one hand on the trackpad to steer and the other hand on the screen for weapons.

The Apple Pencil also works the same, it’s like using your finger on the screen or clicking the trackpad. It might be cool if the pressure sensor in the pen could do something, but I don’t know that it’s worth spending energy on pencil support.

Are you planning on implementing a galactic map?

I’ll try out the ipad client in the next pickup game!

- Karthik

>> On Jun 14, 2020, at 21:50, Darrell Root <darrellroot at mac.com> wrote:
> Netrek-dev,
> My iPad native Netrek App is now available for beta!  Version 1.0 build 5 is now in TestFlight (Apple’s beta process for iOS apps).
> I hope to have an approved version in the iPadOS App Store in a few days.
> To run it:
> 1) Get an iPad
> 2) Install the TestFlight App from the iOS App Store
> 3) Join the Netrek on iPad test at this link: https://testflight.apple.com/join/xZfEZftV
> Netrek for iPadOS is Open Source at https://github.com/darrellroot/Netrek-SwiftUI.  
> I’ve attached a screenshot.
> Here’s the user interface details:
> Tap on the screen to fire a torpedo.
> Drag on the screen to set course (to the end of the drag) and speed (based on the duration of the drag).  While you are dragging, the speed you will set shows up on tactical.
> Tap on an enemy ship once per second to fire a phaser.
> Additional taps on the enemy ship (or taps while the enemy is out of phaser range) will fire a torpedo.
> Tap on a planet to lock on for orbit.
> A single-button mouse (or using your finger) is supported.  Apple’s developer conference is next week and I’m hoping multi-button mouse support will be a new iPadOS SwiftUI feature.
> I have not done any testing with a keyboard or an Apple Pencil.
> Note the “circle” of planet and player abbreviations on the tactical screen.  That’s your strategic scan data.  Players with kills are bold.  Planets with armies are bold.  The opacity is based on the distance.  Maximum distance 3 times the tactical range.
> Cloaked vessels are visible on the map at 10% opacity with their location updated once per second.
> To “exit” click the “Captain self destruct” AND “first officer self destruct” buttons ;-)
> You can send messages at the top.  The most recent incoming message shows up at the bottom.  When you are dead you see more old messages.  We also have convenient “ESCORT” and “MAYDAY” buttons.  Messages can go to “all” or to “my team” (the escort/mayday always go to your team).  Sending messages to individuals is not supported.
> No support for tractors, pressors, or playing starbases.  I’m thinking about “tractor nearest enemy” and “pressor nearest enemy” buttons.  I do not recommend playing hockey with this client.
> Prior feedback credits:
> Buttons on left instead of right (Dave Ahn).
> Hints from Windows client added (Bill Balcerski)
> Also thanks to Karthik Arumugham for keyboard suggestions.  I’ll get there.
> Darrell
> <Simulator Screen Shot - iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (4th generation) - 2020-06-14 at 16.09.37.png>
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