On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 02:01:16AM -0400, Karthik Arumugham wrote:
> On Sun, 2 Jul 2000, Tom Holub wrote:
> > Dying pickup games happen all the time.  Here's an area where the
> > existing rules fuck up real games; the KLIs take SIR(AGRI) in a
> > KLI/ROM game, the game drops out of t-mode and reforms as a FED/ROM
> > game, and now the ROMS have to drop armies on SIR faster than it pops,
> > because they're not allowed to bomb it.
> Actually, the roms can bomb sir in this case. You can always bomb planets
> in your own space during t, no matter who owns them.
> Note that the feds CAN'T bomb sir in this case. They have to wait for the
> roms to bomb/take it (or spend a lot of armies on it).

Well, that's fucked too.