> > 1) Ship headings to 256 with SP2
> > Cons: Can one argue more accurate ship headings gives an unfair
> > advantage in dogfighting?
> Yes. It makes old clients obsolete.
Well, headings for other ships are sent to 256 positions with long packets
already, and your own heading is already sent to 256 positions with short
packets.   So I guess that means my client (with long packets on) makes all
old clients obsolete?  Cause you can see all ships to 256 positions (not
just your own)?

> > 2) Ability to bomb enemy 3rd space planets in your T-mode opponent's
> > space
> > Cons: Can't think of any
> It makes it okay to ruin the game by doing the 3rd space / 3rd race
> bullshit.
Speaking as a 3rd space scummer, this change would not influence my
behavior (i.e. make it more acceptable), then again maybe I'm not the
person to ask.

> > 3) Have server send info on torp and plasma fuses
> >
> > Cons: Possible borgish behavior to make torps visibly fuse out as they
> > reach end of life cycle, perhaps by blinking?
> Yes, it's borgish. It gives info that no other client has even given that
> gives very unfair advantages to the players that choose the client with
> this super feature.
> > Of course, any clued player will pretty much know when a torp is going
> > to expire anyways.
> Only if you saw the torp fired and even then you can't be more sure than a
> couple of centimeters plus or minus.
Actually I think the best way might just be to send a one time flag or
variable that indicates the torp as "new", at the update the torp is
fired,just as is done for phasers I believe.  That way the client can know
where the torp sound events is generated from, and you don't have the borg

Though I should point out, with some work the client could be made to
track all torps (by arraying them, and making a best guess as to which
torp corresponds to the torp they drew last update, which will usually
be accurate as the client is given torp's owner and torp heading), and
then the client could keep track of things like torp fuse.
